Kids not allowed at Tractor Dealership?

   / Kids not allowed at Tractor Dealership? #201  
got it done yet? We're in a hurry here....:cool2:

Just for fun:

Civil Lawsuit Statistics | Statistic Brain

Personal Injury Lawsuits US | The Legal Finance Journal
"The prospect of winning a tort trial is relative, however. At least half of plaintiffs who won tort trials in 2005 received $24,000 or less in damages, with the median award overall being $31,000. Automobile accident trials resulted in a median damage award of $16,000; plaintiffs reaped much larger median damages awards in other types of tort trials, such as an average of $90,000 for premises liability cases, $100,000 for intentional tort cases, $679,000 for medical malpractice cases and $748,000 for products liability cases."
   / Kids not allowed at Tractor Dealership? #202  
You would think that any good parent would have taken their kid to the woodshed for some learning but not in today's world.

The point is that A lot of children are raised very well. Most are taught from a very young age that you respect other people's property as well as to think before you act. I'm sure that any dealer would have no problems with them on their lot. It's the few that spoil it for the rest. It's a shame but a fact of life today.

Good Mornin Al,
Well stated,althogh the woodshed visits are from our generation, do that today and the DCF will be knocking on your door ! :rolleyes: Although I might point out that you or I dont run out in front of cars for fun ! ;)

now if an officer or parent had taken one of those kids down to the morgue to see a MVA body, crushed and mangled, maybe that would have helped. And maybe not.

Good Mornin Drew,
I have been a volunteer in our local FD for about 30 years, every spring before graduation we run mock MVA extrications at the local HS, to hopefully prevent teenage drinking along with driving. Im sure we get through to some, but invaribly some kids dont think it will happen to them, unfortunately we still occasionally still get called for just that scenario...

Just because a dealer has machinery on display doesn't mean it's a free for all. I would not get on a dealers tractor without asking permission first no sooner than I would get on YOUR tractor at your house uninvited. More importantly, any child or grand child under my charge is taught this respect at a very early age.


Good Mornin Deerherd,
Manners go a long way JMO !

got it done yet? We're in a hurry here....:cool2:
   / Kids not allowed at Tractor Dealership? #203  
ARE YOU KIDDING ME. so stupid......we welcome kids, families, etc at our dealership...we have hand outs just for kids when they come in, free hats, trading cards with tractors on them, and other stuff. There are a few who stop buy just to get brochures and dream about big tractors. I did it when i was little and can still remember how nice the salesman and other folks treated me....that is what is wrong with this nation...not taking care of the next generation.........shoot ive even given a few kids rids in a tractor, with cab and buddy seat, and parent present, and i smiled for days just thinkgin about that kids smile when he left......
   / Kids not allowed at Tractor Dealership? #206  
Just for fun:

Civil Lawsuit Statistics | Statistic Brain

Personal Injury Lawsuits US | The Legal Finance Journal
"The prospect of winning a tort trial is relative, however. At least half of plaintiffs who won tort trials in 2005 received $24,000 or less in damages, with the median award overall being $31,000. Automobile accident trials resulted in a median damage award of $16,000; plaintiffs reaped much larger median damages awards in other types of tort trials, such as an average of $90,000 for premises liability cases, $100,000 for intentional tort cases, $679,000 for medical malpractice cases and $748,000 for products liability cases."

Thanks for the help Dave, but these are stats on tort litigation trends. I know they include premise
liability numbers, but this still doesn't really help me prove that my opinion really and truly is my opinion.

I'm still noodling on the stats for that - I'll be sure to let you all know what I come up with... ;)
   / Kids not allowed at Tractor Dealership? #207  
ARE YOU KIDDING ME. so stupid......we welcome kids, families, etc at our dealership...we have hand outs just for kids when they come in, free hats, trading cards with tractors on them, and other stuff. There are a few who stop buy just to get brochures and dream about big tractors. I did it when i was little and can still remember how nice the salesman and other folks treated me....that is what is wrong with this nation...not taking care of the next generation.........shoot ive even given a few kids rids in a tractor, with cab and buddy seat, and parent present, and i smiled for days just thinkgin about that kids smile when he left......

And I think you are typical of a lot of dealerships. Family friendly, and kids just brighten your day. My kids went and grew up on me. Thank goodness for grandkids that are just coming onto the scene....

If you think about it, I never forget an act of kindness shown toward my kids. But if some business treats them poorly or disrespectfully, I'm done with those folks.
   / Kids not allowed at Tractor Dealership? #208  
That universal healthcare is not free nor an excuse to be careless

I agree with Dave, it's a sit down over a beer discussion and I don't need to talk about it here but I don't remember making either claim.
   / Kids not allowed at Tractor Dealership?
  • Thread Starter
I never mentioned the Dealer by name or location...

It could have very well been an isolated occurrence as it was the only time I was there with kids... In fact, I have never been there and noticed kids at any time.

I posted because I wanted to know if this is a common policy others have encountered because it was a first time I did.

My neice was 8 and nephew soon to be 12.

Here is an example way off topic.

A retired contractor friend sold his business and always said the day he retired he was going to buy a sporty convertible... He went to the local Porsche Dealer and was told company policy does not permit test drives and he commented to his wife they must think I'm stupid to buy a car for this kind of money without a test drive.

About a block away they stopped at the Mercedes Dealer and his wife liked the Red SL on the showroom floor... salesman introduced himself and asked if they had driven the new SL which they had not.

Anyway, they shuffle the cars and take the showroom model for a test drive and the salesman said why not take it home or stop for lunch...

Friend wrote a check for the car that afternoon and the reason is because of how well they were treated... The next day they found a box with a thankyou note and two new SL caps at their front door.

The salesman also put his home phone number and home address saying to please call if anything came up... Later, I heard he was the top Mercedes Salesman in the region and it's no wonder why.

What's interesting about this thread is the lack of respect for others people property and what you are passing on to your children and grand kids. Not to mention endangering their life and limb.

Just because a dealer has machinery on display doesn't mean it's a free for all. I would not get on a dealers tractor without asking permission first no sooner than I would get on YOUR tractor at your house uninvited. More importantly, any child or grand child under my charge is taught this respect at a very early age.

What's sad is that the dealer mentioned at the beginning of this thread is getting a bad name because of a lack of manners and respect of others people property. I'm sure she looked out the window and saw people, young and old alike, were crawling on and around the machines without asking. People damage new machines, most of it cosmetic but it happens.

For all you know, there is a guy in the dealership who just bought the tractor that your kid is standing on the hood of or working the power shuttle at warp speed. And if someone in a round about way mentions to you that you are lacking respect for their property you feel put off and it's not that you and your kids aren't acting poorly, they must hate kids.

More importantly, children get a cavalier attitude about the dangers of these machines and end up like that poor little girl in another thread, losing her legs because she wasn't taught to respect equipment. Children should not be allowed on or near equipment until they are old enough to comprehend the dangers. Coming up with examples of your 5 year old running a back hoe or mowing the yard doesn't prove what an amazing kid you have, it only proves how amazingly lucky you are nothing tragic hasn't happened.
   / Kids not allowed at Tractor Dealership? #210  
This also off topic, but is an example of "what were they thinking???", and an example of following the rules, but not thinking.

Years ago my dad found himself in So Cal without a ride home, so he went to rent a car. But dad had not yet embraced the idea of credit cards and they would not rent to him without one, even if he gave them a check for a damage deposit or whatever. So he ask the young man if the manager was in. He then pointed to a nice Cadillac in the rental yard and said "how much?" and a few minutes later drove home in his newly purchased Cadillac. The check was good to buy it....but not to rent it.

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