Snowblower Mechanical VS Hydraulic Snowblower

   / Mechanical VS Hydraulic Snowblower #21  
Just to get a LITTLE bit more mileage out of the windsurfer joke.
It has made me VERY "wind aware" - which means I sense wind speed and direction a lot better than I used to, also (of course) wind direction relative to my direction of travel.
I have a walk behind blower that I use occasionally and I no longer blow snow back onto ME (as RedNeckRacin' suggested).
I am now so much better at anticipating the need for chute direction changes as I change my direction of travel.
b'sides board sailing is a FUN thing to do in the warmer months and as I age the balance/coordination practice is probably good for me.
Even the falling (on water) is a good thing, I am nowhere near as "scared witless" of falling as even my sons and daughters are - the practice of HOW to fall is good.

I think a lot of this depends on where you live and how much of an area you have to clear.
I am in a fairly temperate part of Mass and I don't clear ALL the concrete and asphalt surfaces on the property.
I guess I was projecting my own situation a little too much ?
The FEL with bucket and rear blade do all I need done, the 10 HP walk behind is there for clean up of tight spaces, though I rarely use it.
If I had 1/2 mile of driveway that HAD TO BE CLEARED and if the micro-climate here was the same as it is a couple of miles away things might be different.
I can imagine situations that might "justify" an 8 ft blower, heated cab on a bi directional tractor, whatever_all_else - but that ain't My situation and I could squirm around in the seat of an open station tractor for long enough to run a rear blower IF I had one on THIS property for the AMOUNT of time that it would take.
Driving backwards for 6 hours ? that would probably gnaw at me. I don't know how I would then face a decision between putting up with that and ......whatever alternatives.

Clothing ? Motorcycle gear works pretty well for me if I have to be out there while the snow is still falling.
I don't use the helmet, but just about everything else, ski goggles work well.
   / Mechanical VS Hydraulic Snowblower #22  
Another thing to consider with front vs. rear mounting is the available ground speeds.

My tractor has a 3 x 3 transmission so I really have only two practical speeds in reverse with no overlap. Going forward I would have up to 7 reasonable speeds with plenty of overlap to keep the PTO rpm maxed out. In reverse, with only two speeds, I either under or overload the blower. When the snowblower is not loaded up with snow it becomes a blower and the snow doesn't go very far. When the snow fills the blower it becomes a 'thrower' and the snow goes much further.