Repair/mechanic tricks and or tips?

   / Repair/mechanic tricks and or tips? #571  
Didn't read this whole thread, so not sure if this has been mentioned or not. An alternative to the double sided tape is simply to put a dab of grease on the tip of your finger and stick the nut in the grease. An OLD mechanic taught me this 45 yrs. ago, and I've used it many times to start a bolt/nut in a tight place. Grease is always available in the shop... double sided tape might not be.
   / Repair/mechanic tricks and or tips? #572  
this litttle trick might have already been mentioned but it has helped me alot of times when you need to use a swivel to get to your nut or bolt and it's alittle worn a floppy wrap a coulpe wraps of electric tape around the middle keeping it straight it will have enough flexabilty to go on the nut or bolt without falling down.
   / Repair/mechanic tricks and or tips? #573  
Several pages back was a discussion on stretching boots when they are a bit tight. A friend was just talking about that a few days ago, he had some custom made boots made that were a little tight. The maker said to put a plastic bag in them, fill it with water and freeze them. The water expands and stretches the whole boot. Repeat as many times as you need to get the fit right. Each time you refreeze the water it will stretch the boot a bit more due to expansion of the water when it freezes.
   / Repair/mechanic tricks and or tips? #574  
Several pages back was a discussion on stretching boots when they are a bit tight. A friend was just talking about that a few days ago, he had some custom made boots made that were a little tight. The maker said to put a plastic bag in them, fill it with water and freeze them. The water expands and stretches the whole boot. Repeat as many times as you need to get the fit right. Each time you refreeze the water it will stretch the boot a bit more due to expansion of the water when it freezes.

That is great never thought of that but simple and should work fine if you have the time and freezer space.... I can see my wife's face with me putting boots in the freezer
   / Repair/mechanic tricks and or tips? #575  
I wonder if they recycle them at the slaughter house. :confused:

Yes, some do. They are encapsulated in material impervious to digestive tract. Some are in Epoxy.

I've seen pictures of some of the strange things that cows managed to swallow.

Some of mine got into sheet of Styrofoam and I found cow patties with granular Styrofoam in them.

   / Repair/mechanic tricks and or tips? #576  
That is great never thought of that but simple and should work fine if you have the time and freezer space.... I can see my wife's face with me putting boots in the freezer

Might put boots in a plastic bag...

Great suggestion... who'da thunkit.

   / Repair/mechanic tricks and or tips? #577  
Several pages back was a discussion on stretching boots when they are a bit tight. A friend was just talking about that a few days ago, he had some custom made boots made that were a little tight. The maker said to put a plastic bag in them, fill it with water and freeze them. The water expands and stretches the whole boot. Repeat as many times as you need to get the fit right. Each time you refreeze the water it will stretch the boot a bit more due to expansion of the water when it freezes.

I'm waiting for someone else here to try it first and post back with a review.
   / Repair/mechanic tricks and or tips? #578  
this litttle trick might have already been mentioned but it has helped me alot of times when you need to use a swivel to get to your nut or bolt and it's alittle worn a floppy wrap a coulpe wraps of electric tape around the middle keeping it straight it will have enough flexabilty to go on the nut or bolt without falling down.
Thanks for the tip sam because I suppose I've never seen one that wasn't a little worn or sloppy. I used to go through those ( standard swivels ) by the dozen using a half inch impact mounting rocker assemblies on Waukeshaws.
   / Repair/mechanic tricks and or tips? #579  
If a socket needs only a slight swivel, wobble extensions are available. But if you need one "NOW" and don't have one but have an extra extension to sacrifice, one can be made in just a few minutes carefully using a grinder and file.
   / Repair/mechanic tricks and or tips? #580  
chucko said:
That is great never thought of that but simple and should work fine if you have the time and freezer space.... I can see my wife's face with me putting boots in the freezer

I use a similarly questioned practice for Snow Sealing heavy leather boots. After removing the laces and thoroughly cleaning them,I warm them in the oven. The Snow Seal flows into the leather and stitching. Repeat the process and they're completely waterproof.