Shipping Tractors

   / Shipping Tractors #111  
This isn't political at all just interesting. A very good friend was a neighbor, raised here, moves to California 20 years ago. Very intelligent college professor, he calls me yesterday...a long! He's flipped 180 deg. Is there something in the water or air out there? Interesting is his wife raised there and they're light years apart in views.
Strange that's all...apolitical.
   / Shipping Tractors #112  
The reason that the Keystone pipeline was proposed was to transport low quality Canadian tar sand oil to the Gulf of Mexico ports for export. No US refinery can process that oil. The gulf coast refineries are built to handle higher grade U.S. and Middle East o
   / Shipping Tractors #113  
If only the less minded would be educated on the facts. I Worked in the oil and gas industry. This is a prime example of the dumbest people on the planet.

Polyester is made from oil based chemicals. Northface, a high end outdoor apparel company is eating crow after refusing a Texas based oil company that ordered coats with it's logo on it.

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   / Shipping Tractors #114  
If only the less minded would be educated on the facts. I Worked in the oil and gas industry. This is a prime example of the dumbest people on the planet.

Polyester is made from oil based chemicals. Nortface, a high end outdoor apparel company is eating crow after refusing a Texas based oil company that ordered coats with it's logo on it.

If ignorance is bliss, why do these people seem so miserable all of the time? :unsure:
   / Shipping Tractors #116  
Your argument falls flat when gas prices are +$4/gal.

Look at the number of leases ***** handed out compared to lease numbers handed out by the Trumps.

Its not about oil pipelines or about clean water its about the economics.

You arent going to plant your corn field unless the federal government guarantees you get a good price and if your crop fails you get your money anyway thru crop insurance given to you by the government.

You want to give oil companies the same deal as farmers?

News just in:
US oil companies got 20 BILLION DOLLARS subsidy from the government for drilling.

No fuel - no food - no profit - no food, the only loser is mother nature.

Here's the reason for the subsidies:

USA oil consumption PER DAY = 8.05 million barrels per day. (2020 number)

This is not sustainable in many ways. The answer is not more drilling. It might have been when the earth was flat.

This was the results of my search for how many barrels of oil does the US use a day

In 2021, the United States consumed an average of about 19.78 million barrels of petroleum per day, or a total of about 7.22 billion barrels of petroleum.

How much oil is consumed in the United States? - EIA​ › tools › faqs › faq
   / Shipping Tractors #117  
That’s the price for freedom to move about the country, produce as much as we do and protect a lot of the world from hostile actors (except 1 or 2).

If Germany or Canada were producing as much as we do (largest economy in the world) had as many people as we did (335 million) and had to protect a whole slew of countries borders and patrol oceans like we do, they‘d consume a whole lot of oil, too.
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   / Shipping Tractors #118  
What is a hot shot?
A Hot Shot is a delivery service that responds as quick as possible. Fedex, UPS, DHL, etc. all have certain times they pickup and deliver. A Hot Shot driver will be dispatched immediately, arrive as soon as possible, and then drive directly to the delivery point if possible, or maybe straight to air freight for a charter flight where another Hot Shot driver will be waiting to complete the delivery depending on how critical the need is for the thing.
   / Shipping Tractors #119  
A Hot Shot is a delivery service that responds as quick as possible. Fedex, UPS, DHL, etc. all have certain times they pickup and deliver. A Hot Shot driver will be dispatched immediately, arrive as soon as possible, and then drive directly to the delivery point if possible, or maybe straight to air freight for a charter flight where another Hot Shot driver will be waiting to complete the delivery depending on how critical the need is for the thing.
What you stated was true at one time. It is still true to some extent but now the term "hot shot" is more often used to name a dually pick up with a gooseneck trailer that runs lighter loads then a semi truck.
   / Shipping Tractors #120  
If only the less minded would be educated on the facts. I Worked in the oil and gas industry. This is a prime example of the dumbest people on the planet.

Polyester is made from oil based chemicals. Northface, a high end outdoor apparel company is eating crow after refusing a Texas based oil company that ordered coats with it's logo on it.

The majority of North Face apparel is made in an Asian sweat shop, just like Cabelas.