Sick of cutting grass in WNY

   / Sick of cutting grass in WNY #51  

Tractor in for service? I see you are having to do the pulling there /w3tcompact/icons/smile.gif!

You guys are making me ill. My grass might be thawed out by June! Poor stuff is burried in ice. And a balmy 18 degrees here in NW MO. /w3tcompact/icons/frown.gif

   / Sick of cutting grass in WNY #52  
<font color=blue>I see you are having to do the pulling there</font color=blue>

You're responding to a message I posted last September, Cliff! /w3tcompact/icons/shocked.gif That was before I even owned a tractor.

Far as I know my 'Bota is in fine shape, even though I haven't seen it for a couple of weeks. We were supposed to go up to the property today, but my wife actually believes the weatherman, who says it's supposed to rain most of the weekend. She thinks if it rains, she and the kids will be cooped up in that tiny house with nothing to do, and I would just lock myself up in the shop tinkering with my tractor.

Where does she get these ideas? /w3tcompact/icons/wink.gif

   / Sick of cutting grass in WNY #53  

Have you seen any robins yet? I can hardly believe this myself but there must be more than half dozen at the feeder today. It's got to make you wonder, is spring just around the corner?/w3tcompact/icons/smile.gif


   / Sick of cutting grass in WNY
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We have robins around here that stay all year, so not all fly south. I guess it is like the geese that stay around all year and cause all the problems to crops and golf courses.

   / Sick of cutting grass in WNY #55  
Whoops! Didn't realize that. Women are some what funny that way aren't they! /w3tcompact/icons/smile.gif

   / Sick of cutting grass in WNY #56  

That may be so but it's still nice to see them. This is the first time we've seen any at the feeder here in Maine this winter./w3tcompact/icons/smile.gif

Let's face it. That ice is gonna melt sooner or later./w3tcompact/icons/laugh.gif


   / Sick of cutting grass in WNY #57  
You got some Robins already. /w3tcompact/icons/shocked.gif
The Robins don't show up around these parts until mid April. /w3tcompact/icons/frown.gif

Geeze lets hope were are headed for early spring, /w3tcompact/icons/smile.gif for I have a lot of yard work a head from the past two ice storms. /w3tcompact/icons/frown.gif

Have you notice any Owls hanging around your feeders since that last heavy snow storm?

There saying -5 to -10 tonight and the wind going to blow even harder...arrrr.

Thomas..NH /w3tcompact/icons/wink.gif
   / Sick of cutting grass in WNY #58  

No owls here, but there's 4 pesky crows every mornin'. At the other place there was owl in a big ol' spruce behind house just about dusk every evening during the late winter. Must've been roosting there.

You ever been to the swapmeet at the Cheshire Fairgrounds in Swanzey in May?


   / Sick of cutting grass in WNY #59  
Only 4 crows? Must be nice. I expect at least 8 to a dozen in sight all the time. I did some reading about robins a long time ago, and it seems some migrate; others don't. We usually only have a few around, but a couple of weeks ago, there were probably 50 in the yard at the same time. I quit putting anything in the birdfeeder but black oil sunflower seed, so every afternoon we have a dozen to two dozen cardinals, several chickadees, and one woodpecker at the feeder. Of course, we have several mockingbirds and quite a few meadowlarks around, but they seldom go near the feeder.

   / Sick of cutting grass in WNY #60  
Good chilly morning DFB,
-4.2 an 10mph wind over here.

Yes sir I been to the swap meet at Cheshire Fairgrounds,but not last years do to the m/c pig roast at Nault's M/C in Manchester,NH.

I enjoy walking around and meeting new people and seeing some interesting items,but some of the prices...ouch. /w3tcompact/icons/frown.gif

I believe back in the late 70's and early 80's didn't they have a swap meet or was it a tattoo show at the Maine Civic Center.

Mid 70's to early 80's there was a m/c group around Gorham and they call themselves the Broken Spokes {Wayne,Dan,Joey,Kyle,etc..} they live the farm life and enjoy life..wondering if they were still around.

Stay warm and enjoy the sunshine.

Thomas..NH /w3tcompact/icons/wink.gif