So, what's YOUR idea of the perfect place to live?

   / So, what's YOUR idea of the perfect place to live? #71  
There is a big difference between visiting a place and living there. I have family in NZ and it appears to be a total micro management, permit up the wazoo, nanny state. Cost of living is very high, income is low, interest rates are high, fuel is expensive and everything is regulated to death. Sounds perfect for a hippy liberal... I have lived in Europe and the taxes are so high it is a wonder anyone still wants to get out of bed and go and work. 22% sales tax alone.... But you hardly get any bills for healthcare except dental and optical. $500 for a pair of glasses ? Sounds familiar...
   / So, what's YOUR idea of the perfect place to live? #72  
I have family in NZ and it appears to be a total micro management, permit up the wazoo, nanny state. Cost of living is very high, income is low, interest rates are high, fuel is expensive and everything is regulated to death.

I visited NZ the other year. I agree, it may be a place that's more enjoyable to visit then it is to live there. But you certainly can't deny it's beauty and outdoor adventure opportunities. One of the NZ taxes that I thought might make sense instead of our gas tax, was their vehicle mileage permit (or whatever they call it). They essentially buy a permit for a "block of miles" for each vehicle and post the permit on the windshield. Somehow they periodically check to make sure you haven't exceeded the miles you've paid for with the sticker. The price for the miles depends on the type of vehicle, the heavier the vehicle, the more the miles cost. The reason I think it makes sense is that all vehicles get taxed, including electrics and hybrids. With the system we have in the US, as we begin to have more and more electric/hybrid vehicles on the road, the gas tax system begins to fall apart.
   / So, what's YOUR idea of the perfect place to live? #73  
A place where you can't hear, see or smell your neighbours, but you have friendly support not too far away. A place where you can drink your Sunday morning coffee on the porch in your underware and no one can hear you curse and scream when things go wrong!
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   / So, what's YOUR idea of the perfect place to live? #74  
When 80-90% of the cost of fuel is already tax, then imposing an additional mileage tax is just legalised theft of the populaces disposable income.
   / So, what's YOUR idea of the perfect place to live? #75  
A place where you can't hear, see or smell your neighbours, but you have friendly support not too far away. A place where you can drink your Sunday morning coffee on the porch in your underware and no one can hear you curse and scream when things go wrong!

Or no tan lines.
   / So, what's YOUR idea of the perfect place to live? #76  
A place where you can't hear, see or smell your neighbours, but you have friendly support not too far away. A place where you can drink your Sunday morning coffee on the porch in your underware and no one can hear you curse and scream when things go wrong!

There's nothing wrong with seeing or smelling your neighbors if you have the right ones. My neighbor keeps an eye on me and I on him. Last Winter I shot 2 coyotes out of his yard feeding on their free range chickens. If I called him right now needing help he'd come runnin.

I have often pee'd off my deck. Back in my Male ***** days I did many things on my deck, no underware included.

Yep, I live where I belong.
   / So, what's YOUR idea of the perfect place to live? #77  
Any place where I have the right of high, middle, and low justice over everything and everyone within 1 days ride.
(I assume that's horseback, but mule, camel, or even elephant will do.)
   / So, what's YOUR idea of the perfect place to live? #78  
If I was to move from here, I think I would go to Nova Scotia, but out in the country side/farm. A more laid back lifestyle and lower land taxes are my priorities.
   / So, what's YOUR idea of the perfect place to live? #79  
Any place where I have the right of high, middle, and low justice over everything and everyone within 1 days ride.
(I assume that's horseback, but mule, camel, or even elephant will do.)

Have you ever been to a location where you are a day's ride from anyone else? It's not that pretty.