The Log house Project begins........

   / The Log house Project begins........ #1,351  
Carpentar bees come to visit yet?

Had/have the same problem with my log home. They seem to detest painted surfaces and love bare wood way more. An acquaintance painted the eves and overhangs and trim and has never had a problem with them and he is only 5 miles from me. I think the little buggers used my house as the local nightclub gathering spot. Seems like a lot of bee debauchery going on from the sounds of them at night.
   / The Log house Project begins........ #1,352  
I have read using an insecticide dust (blown into the holes) works better then a liquid or spray type. Do a bit of research (Ehow has some good threads).

I used a pyrethrin paste that works excellently. Just a littlle dab in the hole and out they come. They get the sticky stuff on their bodies and feet, carry it deep into the den and all the aunts and uncles come staggering out.
   / The Log house Project begins........
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Pacer, I picked up a generator transfer switch at a trading post. It has 8 0r 10 breakers, a meter and a twist lock receptacle for the inbound genset cable. It's a '98 vintage but looks brand new, so I need to go search online for the installation instructions, or just get TNMike over here to tell me how to wire it in;). I'll post a pic later today.

Wood, ok, I'll pick up some extra Cat5. But the big question is how long until that is obsolete? With my luck Cat6 will come out two weeks after I seal off all the walls:laughing:.
   / The Log house Project begins........
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So. Obed, what did you decide on the railing? After watching your little girl I'm thinking something along the lines of a batting cage:D Ain't no moss growing on her!
   / The Log house Project begins........ #1,355  
Pacer, I picked up a generator transfer switch at a trading post. It has 8 0r 10 breakers, a meter and a twist lock receptacle for the inbound genset cable. It's a '98 vintage but looks brand new, so I need to go search online for the installation instructions, or just get TNMike over here to tell me how to wire it in;). I'll post a pic later today.

Wood, ok, I'll pick up some extra Cat5. But the big question is how long until that is obsolete? With my luck Cat6 will come out two weeks after I seal off all the walls:laughing:.

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but Cat 6 cable is already out. :)
   / The Log house Project begins........ #1,356  
I was about to say....... Cat 6 cranks, it is more expensive, and I am not sure if you will notice the difference, ever, in your lifetime. I would install if I had decided to not use wireless as a security precaution.. otherwise cat 5 is fine as within the next 5 years everything is going to be wireless.

I will say to you this. Take a moment and think about your low voltage needs (low voltage meaning tv, phone, security, internet). the last thing you want to do is build a beautiful house and then run a cable from one wall to the other across your new floor because you didn't think where you wanted to put the TV. Or you realize that your internet does not work int he basement (or your cell phone) and you need to put in a cell phone booster.... or a repeater for your internet... Or you want surround sound speakers and you never wired for them.......

Or you decide you want security cameras outside... Or you want to put a security alarm system in that has window sensors.... Or you want a smart home, where you can control your thermostat from afar, or a sensor on your water heater in case it fails and you want to make sure it does not leak..

The list is endless.. sorry...

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but Cat 6 cable is already out. :)
   / The Log house Project begins........
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Wood, I am even stepping backwards....NO TV, only a tv for dvd's and maybe an Xbox. I'm just over the whole tv and I am kinda glad "reality tv" came pushed me right off the cliff. Music is a different matter, so there will be a lot of speaker wire. I have to transmit internet wifi from my shop up to the house...about a hundred yards, so that will be interesting.

Anyway, the creek rock is layed in the shower pan & what remains is grouting:


   / The Log house Project begins........ #1,359  
M7, that tile/stone work in your shower looks great. The colors go together well and the size of the shower is good too.
   / The Log house Project begins........ #1,360  
Nice work on the tile. I like the stones in the floor a lot.

If you want to do the best thing possible to "future proof" your house, empty conduit is the way to go. Put that in to each room in a couple key places, and you can pull whatever wire you may need down the road. Otherwise, good quality quad shielded coax and Cat5 are the best bets as they have lots of general uses. 2 of each to every spot you can manage is great future-proofing, but can be a bit of a pain to manage at the "head end" where they all come together.