Who else likes rocks?

   / Who else likes rocks? #31  
Dave, Around my house you can't dig a hole without hitting at least one good size rock! Most are small, but some are the size of VW's. Here is a photo of a rock retaining wall that we made for my wife's flowers. The large one in front is about 3 ft. in diameter. My tractor can't handle anything bigger than that. The hedge rows are loaded with rock walls all around here. The farmers of yesteryear would pile them up when planting the fields. So next time you are up this way stop in, I'll give you all the rocks you will ever want!/w3tcompact/icons/smile.gif


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   / Who else likes rocks? #32  
Ahh yes. Kindred souls we are.
But Texas more hospitable than Oz?
Can't go swimmin here cause of the White pointer sharks and blue-bottle jellyfish. Can't go for a walk in the scrub without a taipan, or death-adder thretenin' your life.
Can't buy anything cause the Oz dollar is worth only 57 US cents.
(and its still better than England!)
   / Who else likes rocks? #33  
Thanks for that.
I tried this technique once but instead of drilling holes I cut into the rock with a diamond blade. It didin't work, I think, cause I did not cut deep enough and the kerf was not wide enough. But I think I might try it again with the drill technique.
   / Who else likes rocks? #34  
I would hate to guess how many snakes are in those rocks but it is more than a few. My wife won't go near it. I had to move some rocks from a big pile (20'x20'x5'tall) and I got a 4' snake on the first load. It was a garter snake though and I hated that it was killed. The whole place looks snakey but I have not seen too many this year. It has been to hot and dry until this week. We got more rain in the last 5 days than we got for the previous 6 months of the year. The creek was out of it's banks this morning.
   / Who else likes rocks? #35  

If I shipped you all my rocks all I would be left with is a big hole in the ground...Hmmm, that might not be so bad since what I really wanted was a lake anyway. Unfortunately, I missed the rain to fill it up. We got our years worth this week. Probably won't see much more for a long, long time.

   / Who else likes rocks?
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please excuse the convulated phrasing in my other post.
What we have here, as someone famous said, is a failure to communicate. I wanted the word hospitable to mean warmly receive someone or something,,,oz is less hospitable to civilized life then Texas, therefore it's more dangerous and untamed.

My hat's off to you guys down under, some of your critters and your terrain are definetly nasty.

   / Who else likes rocks? #38  
The class was given at the Berkshire Botanical Gardens in Stockbridge. They have one each spring and another in the fall.
   / Who else likes rocks? #40  
I can relate to your rock story. I live in an area with very few good sized rocks. Here people will pay 50 cents/lb for nice 200-300 lb landscaping rocks. It seems like many other things in life, - if you don't have it, then you want it. If you have a lot of it, then you can't give it away. I know of one local trucker who drives his semi truck 400 miles to get rocks and says he can't get enough. He says he has hauled as big as a 30,000 lb rock before.