X595 or X748 whats your pick?

   / X595 or X748 whats your pick? #31  
Wow, can't ask for quicker service than that. Interesting that it differs from front to side. I can't imagine why it would, but ok, and thank you so much for such a quick response. Now I have to go measure mine.
It,s just the way its made I guess.There is different curveture on the deck when it comes from front to side.coobie
   / X595 or X748 whats your pick?
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coobie said:
It,s just the way its made I guess.There is different curveture on the deck when it comes from front to side.coobie

Ok I just measured mine and got the same measurements. It varied from 5 to 6 inches all around the deck. I just got through leveling the deck and making sure it was raising to full height, last week. I am a bit OC when it comes to these things, so I know the deck is adjusted to as near perfect as it can get. Why the deck housing is not perfectly flat all around, I do not know. We can leave that for another discussion.

Anyway it seems that both decks have the same clearance. One would think that the 7 iron deck, being a deeper deck, would have less clearance. I guess they took this into consideration, and found a way to raise it a bit more on the newer machines. But then that should mean that the 62C decks on the newer tractors would be even higher yet. Anyone care to take some measurements? Lol.

I will figure all this out when I get to the dealer this week. I am pretty sure he has both setups on the lot, just need to find a flat spot to get the measurements. You would think that Deere would have ground clearance in the specs. It seems to come up a lot in discussions. I know my dealer wasn't able to find it, when he looked.

Thanks again
   / X595 or X748 whats your pick? #33  
Why not get a small landplane to smooth out those trails?
   / X595 or X748 whats your pick?
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Why not get a small landplane to smooth out those trails?

Well the trail is only partly on my property. It crosses through 4 of my neighbors properties and leads to a golf course behind me.

What exactly is a landplane? Is it similar to a box blade? How well does it work with rocky soil, actually how well does it work separating rock from soil?
   / X595 or X748 whats your pick? #35  
Lots of thread on landplane grader scrapers, these are excellent tools for driveway maintenance and smoothing lawns which is my primary use. Here is a picture of mine built for the x749 and 4520.