New Well

   / New Well
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1" of styrofoam is equal to 1 foot of dirt cover. Physically my well feed pipe is down 5' and I've got 3" of styrofoam on top of it. So in theory my pipe is down 8".

Nice to hear someone did that and it works, plus your in the same basic climate as I am. I'm going to take 3" into consideration. Thanks
   / New Well #22  
If in doubt lay in a heat tape with the water line. One that has a temperature control on it. Might cost a little up front but when the line freezes and the wind is howling it's nice to be able to turn on the tape.
   / New Well #23  
1" of styrofoam is equal to 1 foot of dirt cover. Physically my well feed pipe is down 5' and I've got 3" of styrofoam on top of it. So in theory my pipe is down 8".
That's a number I've been looking for... planning to pour a root cellar and have never been able to find the "R" value of dirt. May I ask where you got it from?
I would like to estimate how deep I need to go to achieve my goal.
   / New Well
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Finally we are getting the well hooked up, the guy will be there tomorrow morning. Really looking forward to having a large water supply.
   / New Well
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We got everything running early yesterday afternoon, the 2 man crew we had out were the same guys that did our septic system when we built back in 2010. They hit frost about 3 feet down lol. The spot we drilled was really really close to the lines for the old well, I'm talking like less then a foot, which ended up working out, but if the drillers had gone a few inches over they would have drilled through the lines. Just before they cut and re routed intake line, the owner had a thought about a yard hydrant, so they made up a connection for the existing pit-less adapter that will accommodate the hydrant, they left me the correct size nipple so I can hook it all together. All I will need to do is pull the pit-less fitting and thread on the hydrant with said nipple and we will have water in the middle of the yard. Tonight I have to backwash the softener, we haven't used it in months because of the water shortage we had, that won't be a problem anymore. No one is more happier then my wife.

   / New Well #26  
Clean water is something which many of us take for granted. Hopefully your water worries are over. :thumbsup:
   / New Well #27  
Interesting that it could be done with PVC...But I guess that stuff comes in Sch 20, 40, and 80. You most likely have Sch 80.
   / New Well #28  
Nice to hear someone did that and it works, plus your in the same basic climate as I am. I'm going to take 3" into consideration. Thanks

For MB I would add 4-6" of styrofoam. You get deeper cold than we do. IF your water line is only down 3' now, I would seriously think about adding the 4-6" of styrofoam. Or would you rather be digging it up in the middle of winter to thaw it out? It might be overkill, but I like the idea better than frozen lines.
   / New Well #29  
That's a number I've been looking for... planning to pour a root cellar and have never been able to find the "R" value of dirt. May I ask where you got it from?
I would like to estimate how deep I need to go to achieve my goal.

I have no idea what the R value of dirt is. The 1" of styrofoam=1' of dirt I got from a construction foreman years ago.
   / New Well
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Teejk yes it's sch 80 for sure.
Looking4new, that puppy is down around 8-9 feet, the old part that froze up was around 7 feet or less. I'm sure it would not have frozen if I hadn't driven on it.
And definitely yes we do take a plentiful clean water supply for granted, I sure appreciate it now and will not take it for granted ever again. I said it before and I'll say it again, man is my wife happy. Happy wife happy life as they say.