Neighbors and their many running wild dogs

   / Neighbors and their many running wild dogs #21  
These suggestions that the OP should spend time and money to keep the dogs out amaze me. The OP has already gone above and beyond by talking to the neighbors about the problem.

I have ni tolerance for free ranging mischievous dogs. The last ones I had a problem with I called animal control and gave them the address where the dogs owner lived. I was lucky that one call solved my problem.

No worries on how a neighbor that doesn't care anyway will take it.

I get it, the problem I see is that the OP already talked to the offending neighbor. He may be targeted if something happens. I would guess that the neighbor has less to lose than the OP. Going to war with a piece of cr*p neighbor could end up costing a heck of a lot more than one strand of wire and a fence charger.

If the OP was still under the radar I would suggest other solutions. He did state that there is no animal control in the area.

   / Neighbors and their many running wild dogs #22  
County Animal Control and or Sherriff - the behavior is illegal.


Also in many states it's legal to dispatch a dog/dog pack that is threatening farm/livestock. Might make your neighbor problems worse but if you're in one of those states it could be worth letting him know that others may not be so kind.


You have the right to have chickens on your property and to keep them penned or unpenned as you chose.
   / Neighbors and their many running wild dogs #23  
I have had it with my neighbor's dogs. He has about 10 that just roam the area.
I have talked to him about his dogs coming to my pace to do their business.
Now, I have caught them at my chicken pen trying to get into the pen. About 5 of them digging and running my chickens from one side of the pen to the other side.

Talked to him today about them running my chickens and trying to get in the pen. He said he'll do what he can, ''but we do live in the country where people's dogs run all over'' He really didn't sound like he was too concerned about it.:mad:

I can't have them trying to get into the pen,or running my chickens around the pen.
My fear is, I won't be home and they breach the pen and kill all my chickens

Anyone else have any issues with neighbors dogs ?
Solutions other than shooting them ?

Is this the same place where you planted the corn? If so, I can see why you don't want to shoot them.

Protect your chickens with an electric fence as mentioned above. I had one dog that was a master at escaping. I fixed that ricky-tick with an electric fence on the inside of my dog run. That ended the escapes right there. It will do the same for these wild dogs as well.

Get a good charger from the local coop or feed store. If you don't have electricity, this advice is even more important since you'll have to get a solar/battery powered charger.

Good luck!
   / Neighbors and their many running wild dogs #24  
Maybe a few warning shots loud enough for the neighbor to here next time the dogs come back, people will usually pay better attention to you once you start shooting.
   / Neighbors and their many running wild dogs #25  
What about pellet or BB guns, it might be enough of a deterrent …. oh and paint balls lol
   / Neighbors and their many running wild dogs #26  
I have had it with my neighbor's dogs. He has about 10 that just roam the area.
I have talked to him about his dogs coming to my pace to do their business.
Now, I have caught them at my chicken pen trying to get into the pen. About 5 of them digging and running my chickens from one side of the pen to the other side.

Talked to him today about them running my chickens and trying to get in the pen. He said he'll do what he can, ''but we do live in the country where people's dogs run all over'' He really didn't sound like he was too concerned about it.:mad:

I can't have them trying to get into the pen,or running my chickens around the pen.
My fear is, I won't be home and they breach the pen and kill all my chickens

Anyone else have any issues with neighbors dogs ?
Solutions other than shooting them ?

Why should he be concerned?

They crap on YOUR land and harass YOUR chickens.

Do you have dogs?

I get it, the problem I see is that the OP already talked to the offending neighbor. He may be targeted if something happens. I would guess that the neighbor has less to lose than the OP. Going to war with a piece of cr*p neighbor could end up costing a heck of a lot more than one strand of wire and a fence charger.

If the OP was still under the radar I would suggest other solutions. He did state that there is no animal control in the area.


If the OP cannot get the law involved I'd suggest a shotgun with the lightest he can fire. Back in the day it was rocksalt. My dad had to load his own.

I had neighbors with some big threatening dogs that occasionally walked my property. Without a handy shotgun I took to strategically placed large sticks (2x4's, large branches etc.). I'd be walking down my drive, dog would come up, I'd grab the nearest large stick and go APE. Only had one approach and that was driven away.

I almost (maybe still will) bought a Judge. That seems to be the only way to do it in a rural community, Buy the law or be the law.

/edit paintball is also an excellent suggestion, especially if loaded with a ball containing bright pink pain AND skunk spray:)
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   / Neighbors and their many running wild dogs #27  
Spaying dogs and cats should be mandatory unless you are a licensed breeder. (Maybe for some people too!) Realistically, especially these days, the hot fence is likely the best option. Use an "oversized" charger and plenty of grounds.

I have a rescue that looks to be part retriever, part hound that would take off when I let her out of the house before I got a section of yard fenced in for the dogs. She touched the horse fence at a time when the ground was pretty wet so she got a good zap. She had a red area almost like she had been hit by lightning. Cured that running bit.
   / Neighbors and their many running wild dogs #28  
NEVER talk to a "problem" neighbor about HIS "problem" dogs!! Take care of the "problem" your self!!

Why should I have to electric fence OUT some ones dogs?? BB guns don't work, they just train them as to when you are home!

Dogs WILL enter a bigger live trap, make it big enough! Even a 330 Conibear will work if you know how to properly make the set...

ALL problem dogs here have accidents! PEROID!

   / Neighbors and their many running wild dogs #29  
I regularly check the sheriff reports for my area, and it’s common to see entries for failure to confine a canine. So even if you have no animal control, I would think the law could fine him. If it starts affecting his wallet, he might be more open to change. It seems like pictures would help.
   / Neighbors and their many running wild dogs
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Well. He actually isn't a close neighbor. About 1/2 mile down the road.

I called a deputy friend of mine in the area as I really hate to get the sheriff involved in dogs. They have much larger problems on their hands. Anyway, my sheriff deputy friend said to just handle it myself.
He said most people that have livestock and encounter dogs harassing their stock just handle the problem dogs their self.

I'll try the pellet gun the next time I see them here and see if that takes care of the problem.
He has so many dogs, if one didn't show back up, he probably wouldn't miss it !