Good morning!!!!

   / Good morning!!!! #140,632  
44 high of 55 rain showers before lunch

Still feel puny

Prayers for all
   / Good morning!!!! #140,633  
0ur rain showers are about to move out this morning to be followed by lows of 27F this week so our first killing Frost is at hand. Leaves I expect will go from green to brown for the most part in West KY but we will see.
Your rain is moving out . . . and we hope ours is moving in. Low temperature this morning is 54 and the forecast high is to be 57; how's that for a spread? 30% to 60% chance of rain today, increasing to 60% to 100% tonight and 80% tomorrow, according to the National Weather Service.
   / Good morning!!!! #140,634  
46 outside heading to 50. Maybe rain, definite first freeze watch tonight. Sigh....

Hope all have a great day.

Not much going on. I took this pick...because it was not a Halloween joke.

Clean Desktop.jpg
   / Good morning!!!! #140,635  
good morning all.
Yes, vote today, easy for me, right across the street at municipal building.
At least it won't be backed up like presidential election.
We have three write in candidates for school board running on a one note band, no masks in school. Sigh.
They have never served on a school board before and have never attended a school board meeting, so I feel obligated to
make sure I vote against them. One school board member in Central Bucks, next big school system nearby, quit from getting
threats from public. Politics was always knocking on the door of school boards, now it seems they are trying to knock the door down.

busy day today, first a trip to local orchard to get half a dozen small bags of apples to take with me to NC as house presents.
Then fill the truck with gas and get haircut with new lady barber.

cold weather has arrived, low 40's out now and only getting up to 48 today.
First freeze tonight, likely a lot of East coast is going to freeze tonight, guess I'd better pick the last of the green peppers.
And it looks like I'll be taking the cold weather with me South, so extra fleece going into suitcase.

Hope you all have a good day and Buppies hope you feel much better.
   / Good morning!!!! #140,636  
0ur rain showers are about to move out this morning to be followed by lows of 27F this week so our first killing Frost is at hand. Leaves I expect will go from green to brown for the most part in West KY but we will see.
Good to hear you are recovering. That's a long time. Hope you get some color before leaves fall.
   / Good morning!!!! #140,637  
2021-11-02, 0622

39° right now, high in the upper 30's.
Another fay of caring for the wifey...I'm wondering if I should hire a nurse.
Anyway, probably make a dump run this morning and possibly get a haircut (way overdue). That'll depend if the wife feels OK to be left alone for an hour or so...
   / Good morning!!!! #140,638  
Good morning, low 32 high 42°F. Wind NW 3 mph. Partly cloudy.

I got my pressure gauge yesterday, $47.oo for a 3,000 psi one, already rigged to test the pressure in my hydraulics. Now to find the relief valve.

Have a safe day all
   / Good morning!!!! #140,639  
47 going to 51...drizzle expected.

Sorry you're ailing, Buppies.

Thomas, hope you and your wife are still improving.

Toppop, I hope you had a chance to get over to that special place on the pond/lake.

Mostly, no milling...they blocked off the creek that had the water flow. It's nice that is was restored. So many old historic buildings that have lost their utility don't meet with the same fate. If I had Bezos or Musk money, I'd spend a lot of it on grants to preserve architectural gems and historic treasures...and of course, building me a rocket to ride into space 😁

Don, are those blocks of limestone? Such a beautiful way to span the creek.

Got voting and booster shots on the plan today. Did a lot of bent knee caulking and painting yesterday, so knees are worn out for a day. Also cleaned the chimney and got the stove ready for this cold spell coming.
   / Good morning!!!! #140,640  
Roy, keep up your spirits. Sometimes I think we pull a cart behind us with all our problems in it
and sometimes that load gets very heavy.
It's the job of your friends to try to lighten it.
Slow and steady wins the race.
Looks like we will both get a haircut today.
New barber for me.
Always a they understand what "just a trim" means?