Sawmills, sawmill buildings, drying sheds, and kilns... show your pictures!

   / Sawmills, sawmill buildings, drying sheds, and kilns... show your pictures! #1  


Epic Contributor
Aug 7, 2005
Kubota L3301
Let's see what you've got!
   / Sawmills, sawmill buildings, drying sheds, and kilns... show your pictures! #2  
Here is mine:
   / Sawmills, sawmill buildings, drying sheds, and kilns... show your pictures!
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I guess that I should have posted mine first... :D IMG_1483[1].JPG
   / Sawmills, sawmill buildings, drying sheds, and kilns... show your pictures!
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THAT'S what I'm talking about! Nice setup. Is that a Norwood?
   / Sawmills, sawmill buildings, drying sheds, and kilns... show your pictures! #7  
Looks like an efficient setup Mr. Billrog.

Are there any layout changes you would make if you built it over again?
   / Sawmills, sawmill buildings, drying sheds, and kilns... show your pictures! #8  
Yes it's a Norwood fortunately they had good service 20 yrs ago , which is now a thing of the past evidently. BackRoad as far as the mill building goes the only thing I would do is more roof but space is limited.
Ordered the mill and got busy preparing a sight before it arrived.

I looked at plenty of mills before setting it up the way I'd like it eg. I load the logs from the opposite side most small mills do . The 1st winter I sawed enough birch to pay for the mill , I was younger and more ambitious.

I'd take a lunch and thermos and stay till dark every day.

The loading dock is easily moved to pick up the saw dust.

I soon got tired of handling lumber and bought a forklift.

You can get a pile of slabs in a hurry so I bundle them up to sell.

More than happy to answer and questions . I have to get back at it now as it's only this time of yr. we're allowed to burn and there's plenty to clean up in the woods.
   / Sawmills, sawmill buildings, drying sheds, and kilns... show your pictures!
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Looks like it needs a few more parts. Lol
Oh, it's complete. I was amazed at how they could package a sawmill so that it would fit in the back of my small pickup. Now I just need to wait until spring, so that I can make a flat surface to assemble it on. 👍
Yes it's a Norwood
Several TBN members have Norwoods and speak highly of them.
Thank you for taking the time to post pictures of how you are set up. I am looking for good ideas, as I decide what to do with mine.
   / Sawmills, sawmill buildings, drying sheds, and kilns... show your pictures! #10  
Really glad to see this thread started.

I just ordered the solar fans for my kiln and they will arrive this week. (was waiting for the price to drop some) . The kiln will hopefully be built this summer . I will be ordering a woodland mills HM130 Max with extension in 2-3 months. I figure that's when I will have all my pennies saved up for the purchase :). I hate charging stuff on credit so we have been saving for a while for this one. The local building inspector said we could build our shop/garage with our own sawn lumber so that will be a huge savings. Pics when purchased.