Bad Dogs Bad Neighbor

   / Bad Dogs Bad Neighbor #131  
You NEVER, EVER leave a toddler alone in the presence of a dog / dogs. That is a recipe for disaster.
I agree. Yet the kid's nephew had something similar happen... and my dog was one of 4 involved.
I had left her with my friend for the day. The dogs and a toddler were out on the porch while the mother was in the house watching "Reba". The father came home and 4 dogs came running to greet him, knocking the kid down 2 stairs to the ground. Fortunately he was just scared, not injured but I always wondered what he was doing with 4 dogs alone.
The woman I was spending time with had 2 grands and a niece all under 3 at the time; every one of them had some type of incident with an animal... the third kid almost died after being kicked in the head by a horse. There seemed to be a pattern...

PS; The part of my comment you left out was just bravado, of course. I'm not one to go looking for trouble.
   / Bad Dogs Bad Neighbor #132  
When I stated I had no problem putting a dog of mine down if they bit someone unnecessarily, please note I mentioned if the bite occurred in my presence and I observed the incident.

You NEVER, EVER leave a toddler alone in the presence of a dog / dogs. That is a recipe for disaster.
There seems to be a lot of blame on the dogs, and (understandably) the owners. Dogs are not new to humanity and everyone should have some understanding of dog behavior. Dogs are pack animals and they are territorial. While I certainly think dog owners need to properly contain their dogs, one of the functions of a dog, especially in the country, is to protect the people and property. Dogs see erratic behavior and unknowns as a threat. To reduce neighbor conflicts, a few common sense actions would be in order. If you are walking a dog in the country, how about you do it on your own property? Our 'neighborhood' is all 15 acres and up. Should be plenty of space to exercise any breed. Walking a dog down the road past other people's dogs just agitates all of the dogs involved. At the very least that incites nuisance barking and can drive even well-trained dogs to become more aggressive. Until a child is old enough to understand and behave safely around dogs, they should not be left alone with them. When I was 3, I pulled our Shetland sheep dog's tail. Predictably, he bit me. Not the dog's fault. Dogs nip each other and their own young to teach. Humans are just a little more vulnerable to those nips.

Like many things in this life, there is some grey area and things are not simply a matter of A or B. Indignantly teasing a dog and then expressing shock and outrage when he bites is wrong. As I stated earlier, this does not absolve the dog owner of responsibility, but more than one person can be culpable.
   / Bad Dogs Bad Neighbor #133  
. If you are walking a dog in the country, how about you do it on your own property?
Not everybody has 15 acres. Does that mean they shouldn’t own dogs? There have been many dog attacks on people who were alone. These often are fatal. If you have an anti social dog it’s your responsibility to keep it under control at all times by any method necessary. Your property stops at your property line; not on the public road or sidewalk.
   / Bad Dogs Bad Neighbor #135  
There seems to be a lot of blame on the dogs, and (understandably) the owners. Dogs are not new to humanity and everyone should have some understanding of dog behavior. Dogs are pack animals and they are territorial. While I certainly think dog owners need to properly contain their dogs, one of the functions of a dog, especially in the country, is to protect the people and property. Dogs see erratic behavior and unknowns as a threat. To reduce neighbor conflicts, a few common sense actions would be in order. If you are walking a dog in the country, how about you do it on your own property? Our 'neighborhood' is all 15 acres and up. Should be plenty of space to exercise any breed. Walking a dog down the road past other people's dogs just agitates all of the dogs involved. At the very least that incites nuisance barking and can drive even well-trained dogs to become more aggressive. Until a child is old enough to understand and behave safely around dogs, they should not be left alone with them. When I was 3, I pulled our Shetland sheep dog's tail. Predictably, he bit me. Not the dog's fault. Dogs nip each other and their own young to teach. Humans are just a little more vulnerable to those nips.

Like many things in this life, there is some grey area and things are not simply a matter of A or B. Indignantly teasing a dog and then expressing shock and outrage when he bites is wrong. As I stated earlier, this does not absolve the dog owner of responsibility, but more than one person can be culpable.
Your post is spot on but took a nose dive noted in red.

We have about 40 acres and live in the "country".

Generally when we walk any dogs, it's on a lead, off the public road.

When it comes to other people's dogs in the "neighborhood", we have every right to use the public roadway to walk for both exercise and to take the dogs who like walks "out". It is not my responsibility to ensure that YOU have your dog either properly supervised or contained on YOUR property.

The added reality from my own experience is that walking a dog on a lead in a public setting is good proper basic education for the dog on how the dog should behave.

Ironically enough, generally always carry either a gun or knife out on our walks just in case someone doesn't control their dog on their own property, and never once had a issue.

I think the most I've had out together in the backyard on our own property is 4, but even then, they all have training collars on and I generally ensure everyone is close by in eyesight. Even then, I can end up shouting a lot if a rabbit goes running off with one dog in pursuit, because the others will follow LOL
   / Bad Dogs Bad Neighbor
  • Thread Starter
Here is the big question I have for the OP...

Are these idiot neighbors local to the area, or are they those dang relocated city folk? Everyone knows how REAL country folk respect their neighbors and are right neighborly 😁

Honestly, city or country, you will always have idiots.
They have been here about 15 years
   / Bad Dogs Bad Neighbor
  • Thread Starter
Have you tried just talking to them and see if you can come up with a mutual agreement they leave you alone you leave them alone?
That's not really an option when I see the father I nod we do not exchange any other communication.
   / Bad Dogs Bad Neighbor
  • Thread Starter
That was Monday. This is Thursday.

The dirtbag left a second deposit in the mailbox and we have it on film. SP are coming back to take a second statement and file a second charge. Town Constable was the one to talk to and the town supervisor. I filed a complaint with county Sherriff ( no response ) post office ( call SP ) filed a complaint with the USPS through online form ( no response ). So that is the progress so far. I was out of touch for a few days. I am not afraid of dogs but am certainly wary after being bit more than once as a meter reader. If the dogs come after me on the road they will be dealt with harshly but they generally just bark at me don't get too close. They are not good people and the son is the worst if I catch him on my property it will end poorly for him.
   / Bad Dogs Bad Neighbor #139  
I am surprised that a Sheriffs Deputy didn't come out to talk to you and take a complaint.
I know that around here calling the non-emergency number and stating that you need to see a deputy
and file a complaint that they will be in touch, unless having a constable they left it to him.
   / Bad Dogs Bad Neighbor #140  
He.... put a second turd in your mailbox?

Dude needs mental health counseling asap. That's pretty deranged.

Sorry about your troubles, man.