Yellow Jacket Nests While Bush hogging, whats your plan?

   / Yellow Jacket Nests While Bush hogging, whats your plan? #151  
Keepers here will travel to gather hives…

Don’t know if this is available everywhere.

Had a tree like that in the woods and one day it simply fell over…
   / Yellow Jacket Nests While Bush hogging, whats your plan? #152  
They didn't. Though I agree with your sentiment, I kept an eye on them. They are alive in the picture. It was a bit surreal....almost like they were protecting either a queen (or 500 of them) or maybe the brood.... none the less, several days later I'd say 90% of them were gone. There certainly were some losses.... but not what I initially expected.

My real wish is this was a hive of yellow jackets and/or hornets. I would have come back with fire, chemicals and sprays to attempt to kill the entire lot of them. As it was, what I noticed was, during the day when the sun came out, they warmed up and got active. These pictures were at sunrise and it was pretty chilly from the evening prior.
   / Yellow Jacket Nests While Bush hogging, whats your plan? #153  
Keepers here will travel to gather hives…

Yeah, I'm aware of that. Though I didn't get into the details above, I actually tried to find someone that would come out (while tree was standing) and had no luck.
   / Yellow Jacket Nests While Bush hogging, whats your plan? #154  
Sad to see that many bees die.
I assume you are being sarcastic. Aggressive , actually vicious, bees of this type need to be eradicated.
   / Yellow Jacket Nests While Bush hogging, whats your plan? #155  
Side comment.... we have two approximately 40' runs of blueberries on the other side of this same field.... so they were part of the workforce that made the blueberries. In another area, there is an orchard. Not sure what all is in there as it's not been tended to for YEARS but I know there are a couple apple trees, a bunch of pear trees...

The trees need bees. I get it.
   / Yellow Jacket Nests While Bush hogging, whats your plan? #156  
Yeah, I'm aware of that. Though I didn't get into the details above, I actually tried to find someone that would come out (while tree was standing) and had no luck.
Once you had it cut away to mostly a large hollow stump left, a good bonfire would have worked.
   / Yellow Jacket Nests While Bush hogging, whats your plan? #157  
Side comment.... we have two approximately 40' runs of blueberries on the other side of this same field.... so they were part of the workforce that made the blueberries. In another area, there is an orchard. Not sure what all is in there as it's not been tended to for YEARS but I know there are a couple apple trees, a bunch of pear trees...

The trees need bees. I get it.
Right answer, wrong reason or whatever my old Professor used to say preceding his big red X. Yes, the plants do need bees. NO they sure as H do not need ground bees and those vicious toward humans.
   / Yellow Jacket Nests While Bush hogging, whats your plan? #158  
I assume you are being sarcastic. Aggressive , actually vicious, bees of this type need to be eradicated.
Not being sarcastic at all. There aren't enough wild bees as it is and to assume they are vicious is incorrect.
   / Yellow Jacket Nests While Bush hogging, whats your plan? #159  
Not being sarcastic at all. There aren't enough wild bees as it is and to assume they are vicious is incorrect.
So many people that don’t understand honey bees and group them with wasps, hornets and yellow jackets
   / Yellow Jacket Nests While Bush hogging, whats your plan? #160  
I assume you are being sarcastic. Aggressive , actually vicious, bees of this type need to be eradicated.
I think you got your stories crossed. These are honey bees and were not aggressive. Poster was only concerned because of his allergies.

Yellow jackets are a type of wasp, not a bee. This is where poor regional terminology ends up having bad consequences.