Recent content by JM7500

  1. JM7500

    Well pressure tank: Does well-side supply line pressure match tank pressure?

    If you have the check valve between the spigot and the pressure switch, it will keep the pump from starting when the spigot is opened. My system has a check valve upstream from the pressure tank and pressure switch. I have a tee with a valve by my well head but have to "force" the pump on to...
  2. JM7500

    Mahindra 5145 or Branson 4820R

    I bought my 4820R in March 2021 and put 285 hours on it. It's been a great machine. The closest Branson dealer to me when I purchased was 100 miles away. I had a fuel leak right after I got and the dealer repaired it without any hassle other than taking it back to him. It has done one...
  3. JM7500

    Sleep apnea, CPAPs and other sleep health solutions.

    My snoring drove my wife into another bedroom. I tried wedges, sleeping on my side, nose strips, mouth pieces, etc. but nothing worked. So I went to a sleep doctor in 2019. I did the home study and it showed it was bad off and they wanted the overnight study. I got the Phillips and within a...
  4. JM7500

    Starlink Best Efforts

    We've had the SL on Best Effort for 6 weeks. It was a big upgrade from using my ATT phone as a hot spot. SL normally runs 15-25 MBS, but has been as high as 175 MBS and down to 8 MBS. We've got 2 laptops, 2 pads, Dish network and a couple of other things. No problems with video conferences...
  5. JM7500

    3 phase equipment protection

    If the voltage is too low entering your facility, the feeding transformer can be re-tapped to increase the voltage. Or this can be done inside if you have transformers. For a motor with a starter, it shouldn't be an issue. If there are VFDs on the machines, they may be more sensitive. If you...
  6. JM7500

    Branson 4820 problems

    I use a 6' medium duty cutter with my 4820R all the time without issues. My rear remote levers are stiff and if I bump the standard (spring return) valve lever sometimes it will stay open without me realizing it. The detent valve lever stays in place. I have to watch it carefully with my...
  7. JM7500

    Mounting electrical panels on wooden utility pole

    I suggest talking to an electrical inspector for your utility or building inspection. Requirements vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction and utility to utility. Some require a permit for any alteration, others may not. They should tell you what is acceptable. I recently took down an old...
  8. JM7500

    Brush Hog

    I have an Atlas MD685. It's ok and I think was $1900 when I got it, but the have gone up the past couple of years. I've only had minor issues like replacing the drive-in zerks. It didn't come with a manual or customer support. It is heavy and I like the 2 tail wheels...
  9. JM7500

    EA Attachments vs Homestead Implements

    Lighter weight can be an advantage for lifting. A 100 lbs can make a difference when lifting logs.
  10. JM7500

    Water Well Advice ? A/C or Solar ?

    There are battery-less DC systems available such as this: And Amazon has them too. Some just fill a tank with an overflow and only shut off if the water runs or sun goes down. You can add a DC light for the well house during...
  11. JM7500

    Will this set up operate a hydraulic top link?

    That's what I've got. I marked the coupler and hose so I always put the hoses on the same ports.
  12. JM7500

    fixing ruts in field with tall grass

    I agree with hiring a dozer. Last month, I hired a local guy. He was $150 per hour and used an old D5. He could do more more work in 1 day than with the dozer than I can do in 2 weeks on my tractor and do a better job. All though it can be done with a tractor, a dozer is better suited for...
  13. JM7500

    Chassis grease point on 3620h?

    I found the zerk on the 4wd lever today. I've completely missed it before. I was able to reach it from the bottom. Mine has a 45 zerk turned at an odd angle. I'll be doing my 300 hour service soon and I think I'll replace it with a 90 zerk pointing down. That's 10 on the tractor plus 16 on...
  14. JM7500

    Chassis grease point on 3620h?

    There's a zerk inside the left wheel well near the 3 point positioner. I'll have to look and see if I missed one by the 4wd lever.
  15. JM7500

    Chassis grease point on 3620h?

    I've found those 9 on my 4820R. I have my rear tires set at the widest spacing, which makes getting to the fittings inside the wheel wells easier.