Good morning!!!!

   / Good morning!!!! #189,881  
63 outside this AM, foggy, heading to mid 70's. Rain expected today and for the rest of the week.

Busy weekend, today will be no exception.

Neighbor was cutting their grass yesterday, in the rain. Amazingly weird. I heard their lawn mower self destruct after a few hours. Bet that wet grass did the belts in. I guess when you have to mow, you have to mow.

Hope all have a great day today, a good start to the work week. Those ailing, feel better and get well soon.
   / Good morning!!!! #189,882  
Feel better Drew

65 high 75 very cloudy rain later then rain most of week we need it desperately

Prayers for all our Country
   / Good morning!!!! #189,883  
47F cloudy mercy might reach 70 late afternoon clear sky.

Outside chores done E muffin time.
Check game cams last evening one cam turn around pull down to base of tree with bite marks tree also had markings,picture shows Boo guilty.
Plans for today...trip to town for oil and couple spark plugs,critter food stop than Dr. appointment. 🙄

Enjoy your day all.
   / Good morning!!!! #189,884  
good morning all

55 degrees in fog, going up to low 70s in clouds
woke up dizzy again, room spinning, but no temp, good thing I have appt with oncologist this morning.
these symptoms are what I had when I was first diagnosed with cancer

Drew sorry not doing well, you taking meclizine for vertigo?
no, but have been diagnosed with Meniere's disease for extreme tinnitus, but never had vertigo.
at least not yet...

sure hope this goes away fast or going to have to cancel my rv trip.
driving while dizzy is a bad idea

.66 rain, everything is green and growing
   / Good morning!!!! #189,885  
Good Morning,
Anna Maria Island, Fl. 72 to start going to 81, and another sunny beautiful day ! We have had perfect weather for two weeks !

Drew, I hope you are feeling better today ! 🙏

Are last day on the beach 🏝️, and tonite Kathleen’s brother is driving over here to have dinner with us ! Should be nice to see him one more time before going back home tmrw!

Hope all have a wonderful day ! 🙏
   / Good morning!!!! #189,886  
Morning all, 55 to 74 and rain.
Got garage cleanup done and son readjusted drums.
Got LEDs wired into fluorescent fixture after getting it back up on ceiling.
I even vacuumed the floor. Old shop vac still works pretty good.
Then got brushcutter tuned up and cleaned some saws.
Not much else.
Back to the day job, maybe plant peach tree later if rain lets up.
Need to plant veggies etc.

Happy birthday to the Mrs. RS!

Drew - no infections please. Sure this rainy weather isn't helping.

My wife has been having painful ear problems, seems some ear thing is going around, we know 4 people who have had painful ear problems in the last few weeks. She is on ear drop antibiotics and finally feeling better.

Sounds like a great vacation Scotty,

Be well,

Can't even tell the patch is there, unless you look :cool:
   / Good morning!!!! #189,887  
Glad you are having great beach weather scotty

Drew I’m worried about you hope nothing serious

wngsprd pictures?

Thomas good luck at doc’s
   / Good morning!!!! #189,888  
Good Sunday Morning!

I've been listening to rain and thunder since 5am. All the ground is boggy and saturated. Texas weather is usually one extreme or another. At least it's not freezing rain. ⛈️ ⛈️

When I started this post it was 7am. The Tiny Tornado woke up and now it is 8:50am. Rain has stopped for now.

Hope everyone has a great Sunday! Prayers for Our Nation!

Two bit once this passes the heat will come long enduring type June July August September Mexican heat ridge will not be a fun summer

47F cloudy mercy might reach 70 late afternoon clear sky.

Outside chores done E muffin time.
Check game cams last evening one cam turn around pull down to base of tree with bite marks tree also had markings,picture shows Boo guilty.
Plans for today...trip to town for oil and couple spark plugs,critter food stop than Dr. appointment. 🙄

Enjoy your day all.
Boo a screen guild actor on strike?

good morning all

55 degrees in fog, going up to low 70s in clouds
woke up dizzy again, room spinning, but no temp, good thing I have appt with oncologist this morning.
these symptoms are what I had when I was first diagnosed with cancer

Drew sorry not doing well, you taking meclizine for vertigo?
no, but have been diagnosed with Meniere's disease for extreme tinnitus, but never had vertigo.
at least not yet...

sure hope this goes away fast or going to have to cancel my rv trip.
driving while dizzy is a bad idea

.66 rain, everything is green and growing
Drew, prayers it's not something major. My wife has Meniere's. We both had something like what you're talking about, and the doc prescribed antibiotics/prednisone, and after it got better, he said he believed it was mold related. I couldn't drive for a few days.

Off to work, last day of finals tomorrow, graduation ceremonies begin shortly after.

I wish gas was closer to $2/gallon.

Prayers for our team.
   / Good morning!!!! #189,889  
Morning all;
Hope everyone had a good weekend. Had to reset some clocks this morning.
Per my wife and National Grid we had 3 power outages last night. This computer wasn't real happy and didn't want to connect to the right network, got the stove clock and microwave clocks set. Then the camera monitor was not seeing the cameras this morning, then checked the big freezer and found it had tripped the breaker so got that purring again. Would not have liked not catching that, need to redo the alarm for the freezers. One of them has 2 of my nephews hogs all packaged up nice and pretty as his freezers are filled. He had 10 hogs butchered last month.
I slept right through the outages, didn't even realize it till my wife mentioned them and saw the clocks flashing. Just looked over at the dishwasher and it's flashing also.
Drew good luck with docs and meds, mine changed some of my heart meds took me of Sotalol and started me on Amiodarone taking awhile for my ol carcass to get used to the change.
Stay safe and get well all.
   / Good morning!!!! #189,890  
Good Morning
54° and overcast, fog is slowly burning off. High of 70 under cloudy skies with little chance of rain. We got about 1/2” of rain yesterday and overnight. Ground is still solid, but the grass is too wet to mow, hopefully later this afternoon I can get something done.

Yesterday’s derby pickup went about as planned. We got slowed up about 300 miles out, had to hold for 15 minutes or so, but other than that it was fine. We got on top of the weather in about 10 minutes, mostly because ATC didn’t let us climb above 10,000’ for a while.


It’s always nice to pop out of the top of a cloud into the clear.

Didn’t accomplish much else, went out to dinner with wife and daughter. Daughter is getting around on crutches pretty well. It’s going to be a long 12 weeks if they stick to the recovery and rehab schedule.

Hopefully I can do some mowing today, I need to rake and seed over the septic tank where it was dug out for access to the lid. Oddfellows meeting tonight, but not much else scheduled.