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  1. F

    Buying Advice  Considering a Ford 2000 Super Dexta

    I am considering purchasing a Ford 2000 Super Dexta. I was originally looking for a MF 135 but I cannot find anything in my price range of $3000. I then started looking for a MF 35 but I want live power and and a diesel engine and those seem to only come in a MF 35 Deluxe. This Ford seems to...
  2. F

    What to buy? 4x4 Yanmar or 2x4 Massey Ferguson 135

    Hello, We are building a house on 7 acres. Most of it is flat to rolling, with half being pasture and the other half woods. One small section of the pasture is wet almost year round with natural springs. We have a 700' limestone rock driveway and some parts of it are fairly steep, though still...