2000 series buying

   / 2000 series buying #1  


Bronze Member
Sep 14, 2008
Rochester, NY
The time has come, wife approved the purchase. I'm seeking advice.

I've trolled these boards for about a year now, so have read a lot of posts. I'll stick to things I haven't seen asked/answered already.

Background: We have almost an acre in Rochester, NY. Most of that is grass or driveway. Driveway is asphalt, about 300', with an incline that's not too bad, maybe 10% and a wide spot at the garage end that would park about 6 cars (that's really a pain w/ a 27" snowblower).

I've met two dealers in the area (T. Nelson, and Ontrac (Bob James)). Both were nice folks, and seemed easy to work with. Nelson offered a larger discount (15%) than James (10%) but that's not a show stopper.

My main use will be clearing snow. I intend to buy a loader (200cx), and am considering a snowblower. One dealer recommended plowing w/ the loader first, and if that doesn't work as well as I like, then buying a snowblower. That sounds reasonable to me.

Secondary is general loader use. Wife is big into gardening. I spent a few years running an old Ford loader around and know how versatile a loader is, so to me that's a no brainer.

Third may be mowing, but not sure if this will be maneuverable enough for me. I figure I'll try that out in the summer. We have a riding lawnmower that does the job fine.

Probably any 2000 series will be overkill for me, but I'm leaning toward the 2520. I like the better hydraulics, and also the lower engine RPM at rated HP (2600) v. the 2305 and 2320 (3000). The 2720 seems so far overkill for me I don't see the point of going there.

1. Anyone plow w/ loader w/ one of these?
2. Any experience w/ either of these dealers?
3. Any other thoughts?

   / 2000 series buying #2  
Welcome to TBN:D

It sounds to me like you have it all figured out;) The 2520 is a great machine and will serve you nicely.

I don't think you be happy long term plowing with the FEL, it just pushes the snow ahead so there is a lot of wasted time clearing a path. BUT, finding a front blower this late in the season my be hard, and they are expensive! A good alternative is a rear 3PH blower and/or a front blade.
   / 2000 series buying #3  
+1 on what Kennyd said about the loader for moving snow. You are in a real snow belt, and can get dumped on pretty heavily. I use my loader for light snows, and for times when the snow is half water, or half frozen, but it is slower than my walkbehind for deep snow storms, say 10", or more. I don't have a rear blade, and I know that would help some. Still, for a long drive, and deep snow you will be happiest with a snowblower. You sure can make some compost for your wife's gardens with that loader though.... take a look at my avatar
   / 2000 series buying #4  
Welcome Diz. I'm not too far from you, south of Buffalo in Chautauqua County. I have the 2320 with a blower. My driveway sounds almost identical to yours. I'm very happy with the blower. It has blown some pretty wet snow for me. Ditto what the others have said about using the FEL. Although most of my neighbors use the FEL/back blade combo with success. I am in the process of fabbing wings for the blower (my driveway isn't straight, the blower is just a little too narrow) and a "pusher/puller" for the snow to mount on my ballast box.
BTW I bought at Zahm & Matson in Falconer, excuse me, now known as Z&M Ag & Turf. They own several dealerships including one in Alexander(I have dealt with them as they are near my MIL) and Oakfield. I have nothing but good things to say about them.
   / 2000 series buying
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Sounds like the snowblower's also a no brainer. Thanks for the input everyone!
   / 2000 series buying #6  
Sounds like another candidate for a frame mount plow conversion!
   / 2000 series buying #7  

I have one with a loader mounted plow and a 3 pt blower. A pushme-pullyou so to speak. I use mine for a 500 foot paved driveway on a mountainside and numerous dirt roads/paths around the property.

It has a 5 foot Curtis quick attach loader plow with a 3rd SCV to control angle and a 5 foot Meteor blower on the back. Both have pros and cons, if you want to discuss at length, PM me.


PS sorry for the blurry picture, my wife is not the camera buff in the family.


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   / 2000 series buying #8  
My main use will be clearing snow. I intend to buy a loader (200cx), and am considering a snowblower. One dealer recommended plowing w/ the loader first, and if that doesn't work as well as I like, then buying a snowblower. That sounds reasonable to me.


I'm north and west of you, but don't know how total snowfall might compare. We get from maybe 1" - 6" most times and major storms on a few occassions. I clear approximately 10,500 Sq Ft. gravel covered area. Previously used front mount power angle blade.

My original plan was to purchase a 78" FEL mounted blade. So far this year I have only used the 60" FEL bucket and unless something comes up to change my mind, I doubt I'll bother with the blade. In retrospect, probably should have bought a 72" bucket. I enjoy the seat time, as long as it is not raining and am not in a rush. For me, the FEL bucket seems to work quite well and it would be very difficult to justify the additional $$$ for any type of blower, just to deal with maybe one really bad storm per season. A lot will depend whether you have room on the sides to push or pile the snow - if not then you may need the blower. My snow area is flat. I run Turf's - no chains - no loaded tires - just leave the BH on and have no traction problems.

The idea to try the FEL, at least for the balance of this season, might be good advice from the dealer.
   / 2000 series buying #9  
The time has come, wife approved the purchase. I'm seeking advice.

I've trolled these boards for about a year now, so have read a lot of posts. I'll stick to things I haven't seen asked/answered already.

Background: We have almost an acre in Rochester, NY. Most of that is grass or driveway. Driveway is asphalt, about 300', with an incline that's not too bad, maybe 10% and a wide spot at the garage end that would park about 6 cars (that's really a pain w/ a 27" snowblower).

Sounds similar to my setup, 1.5 acres in MN with driveway, lots of sidewalk and grass.

I've met two dealers in the area (T. Nelson, and Ontrac (Bob James)). Both were nice folks, and seemed easy to work with. Nelson offered a larger discount (15%) than James (10%) but that's not a show stopper.

My main use will be clearing snow. I intend to buy a loader (200cx), and am considering a snowblower. One dealer recommended plowing w/ the loader first, and if that doesn't work as well as I like, then buying a snowblower. That sounds reasonable to me.

If the main use is going to be clearing snow then it would be my very strong suggestion that you get the right tools. In this case, the right tool is a snowblower and I'd recommend a front mount for ease of maneuverability and to save on chiropractor visits.

Secondary is general loader use. Wife is big into gardening. I spent a few years running an old Ford loader around and know how versatile a loader is, so to me that's a no brainer.

Yep, to 200CX is an awesome too for this. My wheelbarrow days came to an end when I purchased mine. :)

Third may be mowing, but not sure if this will be maneuverable enough for me. I figure I'll try that out in the summer. We have a riding lawnmower that does the job fine.

You'll LOVE this for mowing with the 62C deck. Very tight turing radius (~3 foot circle left uncut when turning) plus the 62C lets you get close to things to mow without dinging up the tractor (ROPS lights, etc.)

Probably any 2000 series will be overkill for me, but I'm leaning toward the 2520. I like the better hydraulics, and also the lower engine RPM at rated HP (2600) v. the 2305 and 2320 (3000). The 2720 seems so far overkill for me I don't see the point of going there.

1. Anyone plow w/ loader w/ one of these?
2. Any experience w/ either of these dealers?
3. Any other thoughts?


If any 2000 series is overkill (again, I'm in much the same position) then why are you bumping up to the 2520?

The 2305 sounds like it would more than suit your needs, doesn't sound like you'll be doing any heavy duty loader work that really requires the add'l speed of the hydraulics nor any brush work that requires the add'l clearance.

I don't run my 2305 over ~2500 RPM, that's the rated speed for 2000 RPM at the mid-PTO and 540 RPM at the rear PTO. It has lots of power, I've done some pretty impressive earth moving, stump removal and snow removal with this thing...not to mention mowing the grass 2 times per week during the summer.

I think you would be much better off spending the extra $3,000 on a 47" 2-staged snowblower setup (since you list this as your #1 requirement) and a 2305 than the 2520 and no snowblower. The loader just isn't going to cut it - trust me on this one, we live in similar climates with similar needs for snow removal.

I know it is popular on this forum to go with the "bigger is better" mentality - I fall victim to that myself sometimes. In this case you've got less than 1 acre of land, you need to do some snow removal, you need to do some gardening-level loader work and you might want to mow the grass. The 2305 will excel at all of these tasks and you won't be dropping $20K on the setup.

My recommendation:

- JD2305 with turf tires (mine work great summer and winter - the 4WD is awesome!)
- 47" snowblower with front hitch and required long PTO shaft and front hydraulics
- 200CX loader with 53" bucket ($2850 list)
- 62C MMM is $1700 list in the JD2305, 62D MMM is $2450 list

JD2305 is $10,900 list, JD2520 is $15,700 list.
Both use the same snowblower, so that is a wash. It's about $3200 list for everything.
Both use the same loader, so that is a wash. It's $2850 list.
62C deck is $1700 on the JD2305, 62D deck is $2450 in the JD2520.

If you went with the JD2305 you'd be able to get the snowblower and the 62C MMM for roughly the same as you'd spend on the JD2520 without the snowblower or the MMM.

Both are great machines and the JD2520 is certainly more capable in many ways. Based on your needs I just don't think it is more capable in ways that matter for you.

Good luck with your decision, PM me if you have any questions about my setup.

   / 2000 series buying #10  

As much as I love my 2520, I have to agree with Cast and Blast: If I only had 1 acre to finish mow, a paved drive to blow/plow and a garden to till, I'd have either a 2305 (or maybe a Kubota BX - don't shoot me guys...) so fast it would make your head spin. With the money I saved over the 2520, I'd then get some extra attachments, like pallet forks or a box blade.

I have a little more acreage than you, but the main reason I went with the 2520 over the 2305 was because I wanted to be able to use a 5 foot rotary cutter. I also liked the folding ROPS to be able to get into my garage and shed.

But I really liked the size and maneuverability of the smaller tractor, particularly for finish mowing.

Of course, the 2520 is a hoot to use, so if it pops your pistol and you can afford it, why not?

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