2023 fire season

   / 2023 fire season #1  


Super Star Member
Jul 8, 2009
Kubota BX2360
Two small forest/brush fires several miles east of me this week. Quickly put out.

One day of Canadian smoke, and one day of Southwestern Oregon smoke.

Major building fires in Longview and Portland this week, too.

Klickitat County has a fire started Friday afternoon about 3 and by Saturday pm it was over 30,000 acres.

Had to evacuate last August. Not looking forward to the next month or two.

   / 2023 fire season #2  
The Newell Road fire started a week ago. NASA FIRMS has some informative images;

The Flat fire in southwestern Oregon has been smoking us pretty badly this week. Because of the wind direction, the smoke goes out to sea and heads straight south and comes back inland here.

We are thankful that we don't have to evacuate, and that there aren't fires here at the moment.

We had a bit of a scare Thursday when the utility pole inspector came by and let us know that while pole was ok, the electrical service drop from the transformer to the house had cracks in the insulation, and was shorting to the neutral. Supposedly, it is a "repair within twenty four hours item" for the utility, but when I called Friday, they couldn't find a record of it. I had visions of shorts dropping molten bits of metal into the pasture. With a few prods, they sent someone out, who confirmed it was a problem and replaced most of the service drop with new wire.

My line is that you are either ready for fire or you aren't, and I can't possibly fight a wildfire with our terrain.

Stay safe out there.

All the best,

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   / 2023 fire season #3  
Just had 6 of 8 parcels inspected and passed with two to go.

Very late this year as typically first week of June.

Spend a lot of time each Spring with dozer, brush killer and illegal Echo handlebar brush cutter…

Parklands use goats but the cost is not cheap so I slog on.
   / 2023 fire season #4  
Here in NE WA state - a few small fires. Nothing major - yet. We certainly dried out early this year and are really prime for something BIG.
   / 2023 fire season #5  
It's been hot and dry here all year. I was worried about 4th of July but apparently the economy is in such turmoil that no one could afford to blow cash on fireworks. It was a pretty quiet night in this area. They can only be sold in Texas twice a year and only for 10-days before January 1st and July 4th. Very poor sales this year. That's a sure sign the economy is not what they are telling people. :rolleyes:
   / 2023 fire season #6  
Fireworks banned just about everywhere in and around the SF Bay Area with signs stating such.

Made no difference as about 10 days of non stop that unless you experience is beyond belief and no enforcement in my city…

Property owners have to really put in a lot of effort to abate brush and grass but illegal fireworks get a pass…

   / 2023 fire season #8  
To me it’s insanity when the region is a tinderbox in the height of summer

For days leading to to the 4th the air is heavy with the acrid odor of gunpowder/smoke and the residue from the debris that remains mostly ends up in the waterways which have very strict protections in place.

The explosions drive pets and wildlife bat crazy with shelters over run with strays.

LEO duck under overpasses to avoid bullets falling just like New Years…

Just about every roof I have been on has slugs embedded in the shingles…

I asked if illegal and citizens flood dispatch why no response and the answer is the lawlessness is too great…

I don’t leave the property around the 4th staying on fire watch…
   / 2023 fire season #9  
Fire season in full swing with no rain for months and triple digit temperatures. And heavy brush growth from a wet winter.
Lots of smaller fires but one 8500 acre fire 10 miles from us was a real eye opener last week.
CDF throwing everything they have on every brush fire that pops up. Keep up the good work and Thank you for what you do!
Too hot and dry to mow now. We need rain.
   / 2023 fire season #10  
Two small forest/brush fires several miles east of me this week. Quickly put out.

One day of Canadian smoke, and one day of Southwestern Oregon smoke.

Major building fires in Longview and Portland this week, too.

Klickitat County has a fire started Friday afternoon about 3 and by Saturday pm it was over 30,000 acres.

Had to evacuate last August. Not looking forward to the next month or two.

This fire has hit home with our family, my wifes cousin lost most of thier crops yesterday. More than 2,000 acres of thier property has burnt because of 30 to 40 mph winds blowing embers up to a 1/4 of a mile.
Thier home was spared by fire lines placed with thier tractor and airdrops of water. They lost outbuildings and a few cattle, but most of thier herd is ok. A financially devastating event for all the farmers in the area.

Commissioner of Public Lands Hilary Franz reports:
The Newell Road fire is one of the toughest fires to date this year. High speed winds and dry fields are making it challenging.
We have the best of the best on this fire — over 17 air resources, 7 strike teams, 35 engines and so many brave hard working committed local, state and federal fire fighters and leaders.
Please hold all our firefighters and the community in your thoughts and prayers.