3 point hitch rake

   / 3 point hitch rake #1  


Super Member
Nov 25, 2009
Bobcat CT 235
My driveway is almost a thousand foot long, 4000 square foot barnyard, all in crushed limestone

Since buying my tractor I have been working to get my driveway back into shape after 10 years of neglect.
In the process I have worked up a lot of #3's (what they call 3-4 inch limestone in our area)

I need to apply 3-4 inches of 73's (<3/4inch with fines) next spring, but I want to get the worked up #3 out of the mix so they dont work back up again.

If I can rake them into a pile I have a good place for them, and can move them with my FEL.

Now my question, how good does a rake work, and are they worth purchasing one?
I have raked them all up (with a garden rake) a couple of times, and that is getting old

I see a lot of you with one, I have just never used one and wonder if they are worth having

Any opinions will be appreciated
   / 3 point hitch rake #2  
My driveway is almost a thousand foot long, 4000 square foot barnyard, all in crushed limestone

Since buying my tractor I have been working to get my driveway back into shape after 10 years of neglect.
In the process I have worked up a lot of #3's (what they call 3-4 inch limestone in our area)

I need to apply 3-4 inches of 73's (<3/4inch with fines) next spring, but I want to get the worked up #3 out of the mix so they dont work back up again.

If I can rake them into a pile I have a good place for them, and can move them with my FEL.

Now my question, how good does a rake work, and are they worth purchasing one?
I have raked them all up (with a garden rake) a couple of times, and that is getting old

I see a lot of you with one, I have just never used one and wonder if they are worth having

Any opinions will be appreciated

I have a 5 foot rake from TSC. I have used it to rake and level dirt. Also works good on small limbs. I have never tried to rake rock with it but it should work. I ended up taking out every other tine on the rake as it was picking up everything.
   / 3 point hitch rake #3  
I too have a TS 5' 3pt hitch rake. All the driveways i blow out or plow are all stone and dirt. I have excellent results putting back what i tore up in the winter.I rake my lawn each spring with it, down fall is pulling out the twigs from the rake teeth. Last year i put in several 3-4 acre lawns with little hand cleanup. This TS rake is about 4 years old and it was cheap to buy but . . .You need to play with it to get use to it, my rake dose almost as good as a hand rake without the time-consuming labor .. . John
   / 3 point hitch rake #4  
The main use for my 5 foot rake is keeping the roads in shape. I use it to take care of about 1.5 miles of private road.
   / 3 point hitch rake #5  
I use Dense Grade gravel on my 500 ft. drive and it drives like I am on blacktop. I haven't done anything to mine for ten years now. I find that there is no raking or grading needed. Dense grade is all grades from dust to 3/4" and it packs like concrete. I hope this helps.:)

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