Traction 3520 rear end makes ratcheting noise when traction is lost.

   / 3520 rear end makes ratcheting noise when traction is lost. #1  


Aug 21, 2012
Greenwood BC Canada
2010 JD 3520,2008 JD LA 175, 1946 Ford 2N
As anyone experienced the same ratcheting noise from the rear when the tires lose traction and spin?? It happens when the locker is NOT engaged. I
   / 3520 rear end makes ratcheting noise when traction is lost. #2  
No, but mine will sometimes make that noise when I'm trying to engage the locker while a wheel is spinning to much.
   / 3520 rear end makes ratcheting noise when traction is lost.
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It's funny you mentioned that Eric , I was wondering if maybe my locker pedal is out of adjustment and maybe partially engaging and making the noise .
   / 3520 rear end makes ratcheting noise when traction is lost. #4  
Maybe the linkage is jammed with mud or a stick or just needs some lube so it will spring back up.
   / 3520 rear end makes ratcheting noise when traction is lost. #5  
I too dislike the sound mine makes when I initially step down on diff lock pedal.

Beechboy: is your noise while slipping the same you hear when trying to engage it with the said pedal? If yes, you're probably right to think it's a problem with the differential locking mechanism. Assuming your warranty is the same as in the lower 48 (2 year mechanical), it could be an expensive repair.
