4025 Fuel System

   / 4025 Fuel System #1  


Bronze Member
Feb 27, 2020
West Central Alabama
Mahandria 4025
Tractor was running rough at high rpm, changer the fuel filter. Now having problem with fuel coming from the tank. Is it gravity feed from the tank to the pump at the filter? Tractor has age on it but only 280 hrs Hard to blow air through a banjo fitting. Thanks
   / 4025 Fuel System #2  
You have crap in the fuel tank if you take the line off from the tank fuel should run out ...
   / 4025 Fuel System
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Watching some of the other forums talking about strainers in the tank.
   / 4025 Fuel System #4  
Yes some have them right at the fill , If you have rust or dirt in the tank its blocking the outlet.. Is it a steel tank?
   / 4025 Fuel System #6  
Try and take the outlet line off the tank and see if fuel flows out .. You might have to siphon out the tank and try looking inside..
   / 4025 Fuel System
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Trying to find some one doing house call. My 72 yr old fingers don't like little bitty washers and such.
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   / 4025 Fuel System
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Trying to find some one doing house call. My 72 yr old fingers don't like little bitty washers and such
My friend called and told me he thinks my tractor is fixed. After hrs of trying several things, cleaned the tank, replaced the flexible lines, filter a couple of times and I don't what all else. After all this it would pull 10 lbs of vacuum out of the tank. He then checked the petcock coming from the tank and found it had a little less than 1/8 hole, which he drilled out to 1/4. AFTER ALL THE HRS WE WORKED ON THIS TRACTOR IT WAS FIXED WITH A DRILL BIT. I wonder if this was used on all the tractors in this line or mine was a wrong part that worked for a little while?? Tractor had only 250 hrs in 15 yrs service might have been giving trouble. Maybe now we can sleep better and stop pulling our hair out. This has been going on for 6 months or more.

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