4110 draft control

   / 4110 draft control #1  


Veteran Member
Apr 15, 2005
Erin, Tenn.
2001 Mahindra 4110
I've had my 4110 for 3 1/2 years now and I hate to show my ignorance but can someone explain to me how & when to use the draft control in simple instructions? My only other tractor I owned before this was a 1958 IH 340 Utility that had draft on the hitch but it was "automatic", it only had the 1 position lever and the only time I ever noticed it in operation was when bushogging the hills on my property in Tenn. - if the tractor bogged in a dip or heavy grass clump going up the hill, it would raise the bushog slightly to regain traction and then lower it again after I got thru the bog. I don't plow, and I understand draft is great for this and may need it in the future, but was wondering if the draft control is useful when boxblading or ripping ground with the scarifiers etc. and I was missing a good feature of my tractor? The Mahindra operator's manual doesn't explain anything about using the draft control. Do you set the position lever first to set a specific height, then set the draft lever and if so, what exact effect does each setting accomplish ? Hope one of you seasoned guys can explain so I can understand. Thank you in advance.
   / 4110 draft control #2  
Draft control position 1 is a free float position. This seems like it may fit your situation when you use the box blade. It works kind of like the free float position does on the FEL when used for backdragging.

Positions 2 and 3 are draft control positions, which automatically adjust the 3PH to maintain traction.

Position 4 is marked "Ascent" in my manual. I am unsure what that position does.

Position 5 isn't mentioned in the book, but based on my experience thusfar it seems to me to be an off position for the draft control. In this position the 3PH is controlled only by the position control lever.

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