4300 CAME TODAY!!!

   / 4300 CAME TODAY!!! #11  
Looking at all that green reminded me that one of the nice things about owning a Kubota is I never have to worry about losing it in the woods! /w3tcompact/icons/wink.gif Enjoy that new rig!


   / 4300 CAME TODAY!!! #12  
<font color=green>Ok so I'm proud!!</font color=green>

Tractor Pride is nothing to be ashamed of.

Very nice rig, Nick - congratulations.

   / 4300 CAME TODAY!!! #13  
Ouch, I'm sure you have your reasons, but I like the looks of all that greenery and sure would hate to take it down myself.

   / 4300 CAME TODAY!!! #14  
Pretty girl! /w3tcompact/icons/wink.gif

Now for some practice... pick up the "little" boulder and move it 12" south... /w3tcompact/icons/smile.gif

   / 4300 CAME TODAY!!! #15  
Sure is a good day when your tractor comes. Great looking rig. Get lots done, have fun and be safe.

   / 4300 CAME TODAY!!! #16  
Are we a bunch of loonies or what? I was the same way when my new L3410 arrived, cranked up waiting for it to arrive, took all kinds of pictures, stared at it, got on and off, and just played with it like a kid at Christmas! I still go down to the barn and just check it out sometimes. Looks like a really nice rig!
   / 4300 CAME TODAY!!! #17  
Joe, you are right about the way we react to a new tractor. A year ago I took a day off from work to wait for the arrival of my new JD 4600. The dealer told me he would be at my place by 9:00 a.m. Unfortunately, he was late. At 9:30 I start to pace first in the house and then outside. At 10:00 a.m., still no sign of the tractor. I called the dealership and the receptionist said he left an hour earlier with my tractor and he was delivering a trimmer mower to someone else. OK, I started to relax a bit but still concerned. I was out in the garage when I heard the sound of a truck slowing down and my pulse quickened knowing the moment I had been waiting for was finally here. I walked out of the garage ready to open my arms for my new family member. As the truck approached I could see the 4600 shining in the early morning sun. I could see the dealer shaking his head and he had a sad, depressed look on his face. I walked up to the truck and was given the horrible news. While transporting the tractor (he was about 2 miles from my place) the hood had apparently not been latched properly and the wind caught it and flipped it up in the air. The hood was broken along with the dash plastic and several other pieces. He apoligized and appeared to be as heartbroken as I was. Both of us had the look on our face as if someone had died. He assured me that he would order all of the necessary parts as soon as he returned to his office. Unfortunately, it was Friday and the parts would not be in until Monday. He said I better allow two more days to get the parts installed and deliver the tractor. As he left with my injured tractor I walked to the house feeling this terrible loss. I called my wife at work to explain what had happened. She tried to console me but I don't think she really understood. She likes the tractor and is pretty handy with it. But I really don't wives feel as close to our tractors as we do. It is a bond that only we know. My wife thinks it is an addiction. Perhaps there is a 12 step program for those of us addicted to compact tractors. Perhaps there is a program for wives to learn to live with their spouse's addiction. Maybe we can get the help we need? Nah, they will just have to learn to live with it.
   / 4300 CAME TODAY!!! #18  
Deere,I'm glad to see that there is someone else out there whos wife thinks that they have gone over the edge.My wife spends several hours on our BX,but to her it's just a Lawn Mower.Most of them just don't understand do they? She doesn't understand why I can always find a reason to go to the shop,if nothing else just to sit on a Tractor.Doesn't understand why I spend soo much time HERE,why I'm doing a search for Tractor info. or Dealers,or how I could look through the same Tractor and implement brochures a million times,and still read them from cover to cover.Oh well,as see says "It must be a man thing".
   / 4300 CAME TODAY!!! #19  
Hey, GREAT looking tractor! I hope you get many, many hours of joy out of it. Those are some of the best looking photos that I have seen too. What kind of camera are you using?? I am going to break down and buy one - one of these days.