4320 Computer problems

   / 4320 Computer problems #1  


Veteran Member
Nov 30, 2002
East Concord, NY
John Deere 4320, Kubota BX2680
I purchased a leftover 2008 4320 from the dealer. I have mowed with it and done some drivway grading so far. I wen't out to start it the other day and it would not even trunover. No error codes on the dash. Dealer said to diconnect the battery for a few minutes and try to start it again.
After I did that the dash lights came on like it was going to turnover but then the error light came on again. This time I recieved all 8's for an error code.
Well the dealer has had it for two days and when I called them they said that they were getting random error codes then it seemed to work ok. They really don't seem to know what is going on either.
Has anybody had simular problems with the 4020 series tractors?

   / 4320 Computer problems #2  
My 2009 4520 stopped in its tracks two weeks ago, would crank up run fine but the transmission would not engage. Dealer had to come out and reprogram the computer and it has been fine since then. Wait and see I guess.

   / 4320 Computer problems #3  
I am betting it's the battery...
   / 4320 Computer problems #4  
Let us know what they found. I take it Z&M Springville is working on it? I just got a 4520 from them and it has been good so far- only 50 hours since 8/01/09. If Dan was not there I dont know what I would do. I do know that when they installed the automotive cruise before I picked it up they did not configure the computer and it did not work. They gave me the install sheet and I did it myself. Maybe it is the headbanger music the techs(kids) there are playing all the time. When I run out of warranty(hopefully I dont have to use it) I wont let them touch it. Dan is great however so they should let him do more than just sell. Dont get me wrong, good people, good pricing and all but I wouldnt let my franchised shop look like that. Oh yea, always good going to Wendels for their chicken. Glad I am only 15 minutes North.
   / 4320 Computer problems #5  
Kennyd is probably right. Tell the dealer to put a new battery in it. The 3x20 series is well known for strange battery issues, mine included. Perhaps the 4x20s suffer from the same disease. One thing for sure, if I ever buy a new tractor from Deere I will tell them they will have to replace the Deere battery with an aftermarket one from someplace else.
   / 4320 Computer problems #6  
Let us know what they found. I take it Z&M Springville is working on it? I just got a 4520 from them and it has been good so far- only 50 hours since 8/01/09. If Dan was not there I dont know what I would do. I do know that when they installed the automotive cruise before I picked it up they did not configure the computer and it did not work. They gave me the install sheet and I did it myself. Maybe it is the headbanger music the techs(kids) there are playing all the time. When I run out of warranty(hopefully I dont have to use it) I wont let them touch it. Dan is great however so they should let him do more than just sell. Dont get me wrong, good people, good pricing and all but I wouldnt let my franchised shop look like that. Oh yea, always good going to Wendels for their chicken. Glad I am only 15 minutes North.

My computer failed at 61 hrs, the tech said if it does it again that he would install a new computer. Battery voltage was fine.

   / 4320 Computer problems #7  
I am betting it's the battery...

Given the symptoms, I agree with Kennyd. I have a 2008 4320 and have had no failures like yours, but I do have a nagging fuel indicator issue. When the gauge reads less than 1/4 and "Fuel Lo" is indicated on the panel, there is still over a half tank of fuel remaining. It's been analyzed twice at the dealer and they replaced the fuel sending unit, reprogrammed the computer, and still not fixed. The Deere regional rep said the panel may need to be replaced.
I would urge your dealer to try another battery.
   / 4320 Computer problems #8  
The fuel problem on my 4520 took 2 trips before the low fuel indicater was fixed. The mech. had replaced the fuel level sender still same. He then added a ground wire to sender I have no problems since maybe 30 hours.
maybe a try to fix yours.
   / 4320 Computer problems
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I hope that if it was the battery they would have figured it out by now. I bought a new 4115 from the same dealer back a few years ago and it had a bad battery, The thing puked up all over my oil cooler and started to eat the thing away. I cought it in time and replaced the battery with an Optima. I should have told the dealer but I fixed it myself.

I hope to get the tractor back soon. They have had it since Thursday. I don't have anything to clear my drivway with if we get a good snowfall.:eek:
   / 4320 Computer problems #10  
Dont jinx us with that snowfall word. This week looks good so I would hope they get it back before then.

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