914A MMM and loader?

   / 914A MMM and loader? #1  


Gold Member
Jan 1, 2001
NW Missouri
John Deere 1025r
Well my last post went without a response so I have another question. Since I have always used a rear mount finish mower the quick tach loader has never been an issue. I picked up a 914A MMM that is lacking some of the mounting hardware. Can I use the MMM with the loader? Looks as if there may be mounting issues. Also if anyone has any photo's of the mounting hardware it would sure help. I have a 1320 that I am using. The MMM was purchased for the wife. She didn't like the idea of using the rear finish mower and I have a daughter that is getting old enough to do a little mowing. This should make them feel like they are use a standard mower. Would appreciate any help. I am also needing a drive shaft and some other parts but not sure what yet.

   / 914A MMM and loader? #2  
I have a 914A MMM and a 12LA loader on my TC24D. Not a problem with the two working together.

You probably should get a 914A manual to figure out exactly what parts you will need for mounting.
   / 914A MMM and loader? #3  
caddison, The mounting hardware you'll need depends on the model tractor and year. The 914 I had would fit a class 1 NH and some late model small Fords. I believe some things would have to be changed to fit other tractors.
   / 914A MMM and loader?
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I was planning on getting one the next time I was at the dealer. I have a 7308 loader on the 1320. I figure on having to buy a few parts to complete the job.
   / 914A MMM and loader?
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My 1320 is 1998 model. I wound up with a 914 and a 914A. The person had both decks and the 914A was practically new but had the mounting hardware was with the 914 so I had to buy both to get the mounting brackets that were still not complete.
   / 914A MMM and loader? #6  
<font color="blue">Well my last post went without a response so I have another question. </font>
I imagine most people buy their tractor with the mmm already installed and the most they do is remove the deck, IOW very few people install the deck from scratch, their dealer does that. There are several pages that would need to be scanned and attached as pictures just to provide a parts list, and you'd still need the manual to know how to level the deck. Just to get meaningful pictures of a mounted deck would require almost laying on the ground and focusing the camera on stuff hanging under the tractor. Hence the lack of responses.

The front mounting bracket uses the 2 lower bolts holes on each FEL mounting posts. Since there are spacers used, you have to have bolts that are 10mm longer than the ones that attach the FEL posts. The middle mounting point uses bolt holes threaded into the tractor transmission, the rear mounting point uses the same pins the lower 3ph arms attach to.

I know all this because I just sold my 914A and had to remove the mounting hardware. I also provided the Operator's Manual to the buyer, so all this is from memory.
   / 914A MMM and loader?
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Thanks for the information. It would be rather involved to gather up this information. I appreciate yours as I can get a basic idea as to where some of the pieces will be bolting on, I am going to get the owners manual for the 914A and proceed! Thanks!

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