A Credible Global warming Scientist!

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   / A Credible Global warming Scientist! #361  
So getting back to this "credible" Climate Scientist. I believe even he says in the video that humans pulled the trigger that set off climate change, global warming, what ever you want to call it. I think he is saying that now that it has started we can't change it or do anything about it. We have set things in motion. I'm not agreeing or disagreeing because I don't know and neither does anybody else on this thread.
   / A Credible Global warming Scientist! #362  
Simpleton - I lied (I don't really buy Freud's theories but it may have been a Freudian Slip in an earlier post) I mean it this time.

I know enough about digital technology to know that it needs part of the frequency bandwidth to function. Your only reason to add that was to continue on your descending rant. The radio was also invented - so what does that have to do with it?

I didn't say a 12 year old with a rifle - I said an AK47

Why don't you test your allusion of the first and second amendments by leading about twenty 8 year olds brandishing AK47s down to your state capital. Assemble in your governor's office and start a rant on how you plan to neutralize all who don't believe as you as you overthrow the government.

You tell the judge how ignorant he/she is on your Constitutional Rights as he locks you up for a long time!

If you could just admit that its just not absolute nor black and white.

Your views are extreme and would not hold water with any of the Supreme Court Justices. You are a moron and yup - you win in your mind.

   / A Credible Global warming Scientist! #364  
I'm sure Kevin will be back shortly. Why don't you guys just find yourselves a nice pole and prove who can make the highest mark?

Politics used to be forbidden, but apparently that is no longer true. Civility has also gone by the wayside.

   / A Credible Global warming Scientist! #365  
Let's face it - there is a ton of money for the powers that be in selling gasoline and oil based fuels to the U.S consumer, government and military. Thats what drives our continued use, global warming or not. It's hugely profitable and until something tips that over, things are going to stay the same. That's what it's all about in this country - not God, global warming, the Earth running things or anything else. It's about money - lets call a spade a spade here.
   / A Credible Global warming Scientist! #366  
Let's face it - there is a ton of money for the powers that be in selling gasoline and oil based fuels to the U.S consumer, government and military. Thats what drives our continued use, global warming or not. It's hugely profitable and until something tips that over, things are going to stay the same. That's what it's all about in this country - not God, global warming, the Earth running things or anything else. It's about money - lets call a spade a spade here.

That's true as a whole, with some nuances :laughing: I think the money will take care of itself, it always does. Only we can take care of the earth.

Putting the earth first is in direct conflict with the money/convenience/divine factors. That is the genesis of these types of discussions. It is why I like the phrase 'cheap energy at any price'.
   / A Credible Global warming Scientist! #367  
Simpleton - I lied (I don't really buy Freud's theories but it may have been a Freudian Slip in an earlier post) I mean it this time.

I thought you were through with this discussion?

I guess the gloves are off, now.

I know enough about digital technology to know that it needs part of the frequency bandwidth to function. Your only reason to add that was to continue on your descending rant. The radio was also invented - so what does that have to do with it?

You don't appear to know anything about anything. If you knew as much as you claim, you'd know that frequency has very little to do with the FCC, nationally, which is the actual purvey of the federal government, since there are actually very few national broadcasts. Since broadcasts are local, or, at most regional (by DMA), then there is very little interstate conflict by which to engage the FCC. Further, using digital signals, dozens, or even hundreds, of discrete signals can share a single frequency, eliminating the need for the FCC to control the sharing of frequencies, even across state lines. So, if you know how it works, you also know that the FCC is now, more or less, obsolete, and is still not authorized by the Constitution (which you, apparently, still have not read).

I didn't say a 12 year old with a rifle - I said an AK47

An AK47 is a rifle. C'mon, even the dumbest leftists are smarter than that.

Why don't you test your allusion of the first and second amendments by leading about twenty 8 year olds brandishing AK47s down to your state capital. Assemble in your governor's office and start a rant on how you plan to neutralize all who don't believe as you as you overthrow the government.

Why twenty? Why not twenty thousand? Because that would be a ******* tactic, and stupid. Remember, I'm the one who supports the rule of law.

You tell the judge how ignorant he/she is on your Constitutional Rights as he locks you up for a long time!

In my state, it's not a crime to take firearms to the Capitol. How're things in your state? Any liberty left?

If you could just admit that its just not absolute nor black and white.

What's not absolute, nor black and white? "Shall not be infringed"? How much more absolute and black and white can it be? What if I could admit it? What, then?

Your views are extreme and would not hold water with any of the Supreme Court Justices.
Actually, my views won Heller, 5-4, and will likely win McDonald, by the same margin (actually, probably more like 5-3, depending on the makeup of the court by the end of the month).

You are a moron and yup - you win in your mind.

Now, we get down to it. The final, feeble ammunition available to the ******* when his ideals are crushed beneath truth and individual liberty; when all his defenses are stripped away, revealing that his "feelings" and "beliefs" are unable to sway the might and majesty of logic and rational thought: the ad hominem attack.

Well played, Loren. Leftists, everywhere, applaud the martyrdom of your argument.
   / A Credible Global warming Scientist! #368  
Lets get real. It's not about the interpretation of the constitution either. It's about huge profit and the possible threat to that profit, whether you are a little shareholder or the CEO. Why call it anything else? The truth never hurt anybody in the end. Oh, and it's also a threat to life style and our feeling that as Americans we have the right to bear and drive large automobiles and tractors. Just how it is, no big deal. That's how people are.

Suddenly BP who down to their last 6 billion a few days ago has come up with 20 billion to fund the consumer relations escrow fund. According to the Fox guys we are supposed to feel sorry for BP. We don't know that it's their fault, it could be a subcontractor, they could go bankrupt, etc. They took the risk and they lost, now let them live up to their responsibilities. It's the right thing to do, profit or no profit.
   / A Credible Global warming Scientist! #369  
Lets get real. It's not about the interpretation of the constitution either. It's about huge profit and the possible threat to that profit, whether you are a little shareholder or the CEO. Why call it anything else? The truth never hurt anybody in the end. Oh, and it's also a threat to life style and our feeling that as Americans we have the right to bear and drive large automobiles and tractors. Just how it is, no big deal. That's how people are.

Suddenly BP who down to their last 6 billion a few days ago has come up with 20 billion to fund the consumer relations escrow fund. According to the Fox guys we are supposed to feel sorry for BP. We don't know that it's their fault, it could be a subcontractor, they could go bankrupt, etc. They took the risk and they lost, now let them live up to their responsibilities. It's the right thing to do, profit or no profit.

bstrom..you are right about BP in my view, but what makes me sick to see is the politicians whose hands are far from being clean, pontificating and grandstanding in these hearings..I am listening to the hearings and not one Congressman has asked the BP CEO about how to get the oil cleaned up quicker..they are all just trying to score political points and it is disgusting to me as a taxpayer and a citizen. Just disturbing and disgusting.....I don't trust any politician - Period - they are all crooks in my opinion !
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