Agra Cat

   / Agra Cat #1  


New member
Nov 9, 2004
Two questions (sorry if it has been asked before)

Is Agra Cat still in business in the U.S.? Do they have a website?

I have a 2940 with Kyoker (sp?) Loader. The only way I can get my 3 pt. hitch to lift is to engage the 3 pt. lift lever as I lower the bucket. Fluids seem to full enough, any thoughts????

   / Agra Cat #2  
AgraCat went bust. Details here. I'm told one of the guys started up again up the road under a new sign, but that's about all I can tellya. No website that I know of. That kinda makes me wonder if he might not have simply gone into the wholesale end.

Your TPH issue sounds like a flow problem. If it's done this since new, it may simply be plumbed in wrong. If it's a recent problem, it may be a bypass valve problem

   / Agra Cat #3  
AS I understand it JB Hunt got involved, agracat failed, and he has taken the LG (Korean) and reorganized the company as Montana tractors. the Agracat Jinma is no more.

As for the TPH problem I agree with Greg, flow problem. When the loader is lowered, oil flow is increased to the lift. Any problem with the steering?
I am assuming you have the traditional two hose hookup to your laoder, with the flow running from the pump to the loader through a quick connect then back to the tractor with antoher quick connect.

If so you can eleminate some variables by taking the laoder out of the circuit and see if the pump can operate the lift without the flow going through the loader first. If it does the problem is in the loader, valve, hoses or the quick connects themselves. I don't think it is a pump problem or you would notice it in loader performance.

NEVER run the tractor with these disconnects loose or disconnected, secure with tie wraps when done.

let us know.
   / Agra Cat #4  
I agree with Chip,sounds to me that the loader valve may not be bypassing to the rear 3-point.Take the loader out and I think everything else will work right again.

   / Agra Cat #5  
I may found them Bill, or something close. The green paint should be a valid indicator. Check out Ebay. I see FarmPros (Jinma), Morgans (KAMA), and Montanas (LG), along with excavators/implements/trailers/dirt bikes/ATVs. Looks like they're even selling trade-ins. Seems to be a storefront: very few bidding opportunities, mostly fixed prices. Shipping info is sketchy, parts and warranty information is conspicuously absent

   / Agra Cat #7  
Hi Guys. Just so their is some background here. Agracat was Jinma and then tried to move up from the Jinma(Chinese) to the LG (So. Korean). Yes, I said move up but not being deragotory toward Chinese made. Just a fact that Chinese have not yet risen to that level. The move would have been excellent but they were so financially bad off they were done.

Agracat went bankrupt they are gone. They did not open under a new name.

A little background on the LG tractors would be good.

They are very high end tractors and they make all of the Long/Farmtrac compacts, some of the TAFE 4x4 compacts, are a liscensee to New Holland and produce NH as well as others.

They have 4 cyl. Mitsubishi engines for the larger compacts and 3 cyl. Daedong for the smaller compacts. They also have the utility tractors with cabs.

They have synchro shuttles as well as hydro drives and the hydros use Eaton pumps. Top of the line all the way around.

LG is well know for its electronics, appliances, perto-chemical, Philips Electronics ooops, I mean LGphilips as well as many more companies. They are a 100 Billion dollar jugernaut (sp?) and growing.

LG is a manufacturer of tractors. Here is a link to their website. Check it out as their stuff is awsome. LG Agricultural Machinery

The LG Montana is an awesome line of tractors with an LG backed 3 year or 1000 hour warranty. They have excellent financing and the No. American market has a large network of dealers already established.

I put this all out there so everyone knows that Agracat is defunct as far as I know. That the LG tractors are not Chinese but So. Korean. Not knocking Chinese as the KAMA & Jinma are coming along and I like them.

Just want to clear any possible misconceptions that could arise from the posts.

I have some pictures of the various LGs if anyone is interested. Just send me a PM.

I hate saying Agracat in the same post as any of the fine tractors mentioned here but hope this clears things up.
