ain,t this special?

   / ain,t this special? #1  

crusty 1

Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2010
I got to thinking that with so many talented people who hag out on here this really is a very special place.You name it and help or advice will soon come your way.Made possible by the sight itself but more so by the folks that contribute.From tractor to pooh its all on here.I,v never seen anything quite like this and I,m loving it.I,ve gotten comfort and in turn tried to give it back.I,v gotten advice and in turn tried to help when I can and all with very little negitives.So thanks old and new members for making this a very special place to be.I,v meet folks I never would have even known existed and have become friends,and a friend is about as good as it gets:thumbsup:Dave
   / ain,t this special? #2  
Like the Eagles song..Hotel Calif...You can check out anytime but you can never leave..its in your blood and there ain't no cure. ;)
   / ain,t this special?
  • Thread Starter
Like the Eagles song..Hotel Calif...You can check out anytime but you can never leave..its in your blood and there ain't no cure. ;)

Thomas, you,re right.I find myself sometimes gettin into some post on here and letting a job go undone:laughing: very good people on here that are hard to ignor.I,v got about 30 yards of gravel to haul from the pit so I must get back to it,you know[make hay while the sun shines]I,ll continue my transfussion later,good day all!Dave