
   / Amazon? #351  
I don't have a degree, and a majority of what I use in my (software engineering) stem career (at one of the biggest companies) is self-taught. I've had many colleagues with phd's and many with no degree and to be honest, there's not a ton of difference in their work.

In biochem and engineering professions, I've little doubt that the degree hunt teaches required knowledge, but in today's workplace, I stand by my assertion that *most* careers don't *need* college degrees.
Tell that to your doctor, dentist or electrical engineer. I’m in the biological science field and I can unequivocally say that advanced science isn’t taught in HS or learned on the job. Lots of people are self taught in the computer industry, but few other STEM careers are.
   / Amazon? #352  
It's nice to see the union movement gaining steam again. Apple employees are switching to android phones and encrypting their messages to keep their employer from disrupting union organizing. I have been shocked at the number of workers who voluntarily gave up the 40 hour work week. Employers expect them to be available 24/7 and put in 60 hours a week. It's time to put a leash on that BS.
Most of the "BS" is self inflicted. How many people under 50 can bear to be away from their cellphones for even 5 minutes? I have never had an employer who expected me to be available 24/7 other than jobs where being on call was part of the job. No one can take advantage of you without your consent.

As for unionization at tech companies, good luck with that. How many techies are going to put up with the BS that goes along with union membership...rigidly defined job descriptions, seniority, etc?
I don't have a degree, and a majority of what I use in my (software engineering) stem career (at one of the biggest companies) is self-taught. I've had many colleagues with phd's and many with no degree and to be honest, there's not a ton of difference in their work.

In biochem and engineering professions, I've little doubt that the degree hunt teaches required knowledge, but in today's workplace, I stand by my assertion that *most* careers don't *need* college degrees.
I agree. I have only an associates degree, it's a piece of paper that some opened doors for my first "real" job. From then on it was up to me to run with it, after the first 5-6 years it was pretty much irrelevant...I could either do the job or I couldn't. Most of what got me thru were skills/knowledge I picked up along the way, not much was stuff I learned from a book.
Like you, I've worked with plenty of people who were more educated than me. Some were better at what they did, others not so much.
   / Amazon? #353  
Most of the "BS" is self inflicted. How many people under 50 can bear to be away from their cellphones for even 5 minutes? I have never had an employer who expected me to be available 24/7 other than jobs where being on call was part of the job. No one can take advantage of you without your consent.

As for unionization at tech companies, good luck with that. How many techies are going to put up with the BS that goes along with union membership...rigidly defined job descriptions, seniority, etc?
I suspect we are on the verge of a 2nd Great Depression. It won't be long until we're back into the "You're lucky to have a job, so shut up and color," routine. Hard times are always bad for labor and great for organizing.
   / Amazon? #354  
I suspect we are on the verge of a 2nd Great Depression. It won't be long until we're back into the "You're lucky to have a job, so shut up and color," routine. Hard times are always bad for labor and great for organizing.
I fear that you are right. Diesel topped 4.00$/gallon today and the rise is just getting started. That alone has the potential to blow the top off the economy... including Amazon.
   / Amazon? #355  
I fear that you are right. Diesel topped 4.00$/gallon today and the rise is just getting started. That alone has the potential to blow the top off the economy... including Amazon.
It will be like the last time diesel was at $4. Much less shipping cross country by truck and much more railroad transportation.
   / Amazon? #356  
It's nice to see the union movement gaining steam again. Apple employees are switching to android phones and encrypting their messages to keep their employer from disrupting union organizing. I have been shocked at the number of workers who voluntarily gave up the 40 hour work week. Employers expect them to be available 24/7 and put in 60 hours a week. It's time to put a leash on that BS.
I have always worked from 'can 'til can't' until the job is done.

But I also had a flexible schedule that I set and I came and went as I pleased as long as the job was done right and on time.

Not for everyone, obviously, but I did well with a less structured, results oriented work format.
   / Amazon? #357  
Technical people will always have a job. Not keen on unions, but some places they are needed.
   / Amazon? #358  
Did I say that you were being evil? You've were talking about what people make, yet have been all over the board about what & how you pay your help. I merely pointed that if you are paying 20$/hr and giving them 1099s, they are making much less than if they were employees.

Wow. I said if they aren't contracted employees I pay them at least $20 an hour and sometimes much, much more. W2 employees are those people making just over $1600 per year.

You are reading in something I never said.