Any Pilots Among Members?

   / Any Pilots Among Members? #1  


Veteran Member
Oct 5, 2013
Kubota B2650HST. Kubota Z125S
Just wondering. Every now and then I see a reference to aviation in the posts. I've been flying for about 15 years just for fun, not work. I keep a working mans Cessna at a local airport.

When we talk about costs I have an easy formula: Kubota dollars are 3x regular dollars, Cessna dollars are 10x regular dollars. I also log a lot more Kubota hours than Cessna hours.
   / Any Pilots Among Members? #2  
After I split my wood I do pile it! Oop's you said pilot, nevermind.:D
   / Any Pilots Among Members? #3  
Yep. I'm a pilot. Used to have my Cessna 140A. Sold it when I wasn't flying it as much, due to not enough time. Been looking at an RV-6, taildragger version.
   / Any Pilots Among Members? #4  
Used to fly a flex-wing ultralight. hanger fees almost doubled and after a year of hardly flying I folded it up and brought it home. I miss it at times.
   / Any Pilots Among Members? #5  
I did hang gliding too, when I was younger!
   / Any Pilots Among Members? #6  
yup, pilot here. Not active lately though...too much else on the plate.

All time in Piper .... tomahawks, warriors, dakotas and turbo arrow IV. Used to own (part owner) of a turbo arrow IV. sure was glad when i finally sole off my part of the deal. what a money loser that was.

I also was started in Helicopter training ...that was a blast but again the $$$$$ was insane.

My buddy is about 1/2 way thru building an RV8 tail drager himself.....hes so **** it will be a safe plane when finished. If i was to do it i'd have 20 or so parts left over......
   / Any Pilots Among Members? #7  
yup 40 years
gliders,,150,,champ,,mooney,,180 on floats wheels ,skiis
still fly 180 on floats:):) image004.jpg
   / Any Pilots Among Members?
  • Thread Starter
That's funny Rusty.

I like your signature block, and it gives me an idea. The way things are going in this country, with me coming from Polish (immigrant) ancestry, maybe the city or state will pay for my hangar rent and aviation fuel. Hmmm, why not gimme something?
   / Any Pilots Among Members? #9  
Pilot here, too. Instrument rating. Saratoga now, Cherokee 180 (Challenger model) before. I really like the idea about getting free hangar and fuel from the gubmint. Where can I sign up??
   / Any Pilots Among Members? #10  
Not current now but most of my log time in Arrow and Warrior. Some in Grumman Cheetah. I'd like to get current, but not likely with retirement coming up.

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