Anybody Dumpster Dive, Here?

   / Anybody Dumpster Dive, Here? #2  
Another title for this thread might be "Bin diving lately?".
On our second date, at my wife's suggestion, we went bin diving in a dumpster in the parking lot of the swanky restaurant we'd just dined at.
The Plant Manager and I fondly refer to that evening as The Night of Five Sewing Machines.
I knew at that moment that I had found my one true love.
A fabric store near the restaurant had gone out of business - their loss; our gain.
   / Anybody Dumpster Dive, Here? #3  
I used to check the dumpster at a local beer distribution business. Usually the odd six or twelve pack, but one night we scored 27 full cases of Alaskan Winter. Ever since then I've never been able to bring myself to pay for it. That was a long time ago, though and I don't visit dumpsters much anymore.
   / Anybody Dumpster Dive, Here? #4  
There's nothing like a good curbside find taken with an ounce of humility.
   / Anybody Dumpster Dive, Here? #5  
The dumpster at a local metal fabricator is one favorite.
Lots of neat handy cut offs.

When I did a lot of EBay sales the dumpster behind a flower shop provided peanut packing and the pharmacy all the small boxes you ever wanted.
   / Anybody Dumpster Dive, Here? #6  
Never done any dumpster diving myself, but this reminds me of the night when I was a young police officer and got a call to "meet complainant" at an apartment. A lady of about 40 years of age said she'd taken off an expensive diamond ring and laid it on the counter by the kitchen sink while she was doing the dishes, then later took the garbage out and threw it in the dumpster. Then she missed her ring and felt pretty sure it went in the dumpster with her garbage. There was a lot of garbage in that dumpster and I doubted that I could have found a ring anyway, but she said she'd get in there and hunt it herself but she had no way she could get in there.

I picked her up and put her in there, and sure enough she found her garbage bag and found the ring.:laughing: She was just happy as a pig in a mud puddle.:laughing:
   / Anybody Dumpster Dive, Here? #7  
Never done any dumpster diving myself, but this reminds me of the night when I was a young police officer and got a call to "meet complainant" at an apartment. A lady of about 40 years of age said she'd taken off an expensive diamond ring and laid it on the counter by the kitchen sink while she was doing the dishes, then later took the garbage out and threw it in the dumpster. Then she missed her ring and felt pretty sure it went in the dumpster with her garbage. There was a lot of garbage in that dumpster and I doubted that I could have found a ring anyway, but she said she'd get in there and hunt it herself but she had no way she could get in there.

I picked her up and put her in there, and sure enough she found her garbage bag and found the ring.:laughing: She was just happy as a pig in a mud puddle.:laughing:

So you threw some lady in a dumpster? wow!:D All is well that ends well!
   / Anybody Dumpster Dive, Here? #8  
Years ago, my son worked at K-mart and would dumpster dive. Brought home many damaged goods that were throw away but still useful.

   / Anybody Dumpster Dive, Here? #9  
A co-worker of mine found a broken hammer handle in the trash one day and at the end of the shift he walked out the gate into the parking lot. A security guard stopped him, and to the office they went. He was suspended for 2 weeks without pay.
   / Anybody Dumpster Dive, Here? #10  
I work in a commercial bldg. of medical offices. I find lots of things thrown in the dumpster from time to time that I can find a use for in my garage. Shelving, cabinets, air compressors, metal, light fixtures etc. Most of the items thrown in come from bldg. renovations and there is nothing wrong with them. Its amazing to see some things that they discard.

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