Are all buckets created equal?

   / Are all buckets created equal?
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The Kubota loader for the M6800 is the LA1162. The quick attach coupler is a $650 option according to this information.


I am surprised it can't be just ordered with the quick coupler rather than the standard pin on.

Actually the FEL for my M6800 with standard transmission is the LA1002 not the LA1162 which Kubota tells me is only for the wet clutch hydraulic version which I don't have. You are right in that the LA1162 come standard with universal skid steer coupler, but that option is not available on the LA1002. My dealer is hesitant to order a 1162 bucket for my 1002 even though I feel it would work fine with the Tach-All QA I am ordering. No where can I find a part # for just the Universal Skid Steer Kubota bucket, which I agree seems the logical choice. My dealer is not much help as they know nothing about this Tach-ALL although it was recommended by Kubota's national website. Rather than arguing with my dealer or trying to convince them the 1162 bucket would work, I thought it safer to just order an aftermarket one that clearly states is "universal skid steer compatible." I'm pretty sure it would work fine, but if not, my dealer doesn't seem willing to accept that risk. I guess I could ask Kubota's national customer service center this question. I really think the LA1162 loader itself would work fine ( and save me the cost of a Tach-All) but again my reply from Kubota's national site says that "although the LA1162 will mount on a M6800 SD, it is not approved because.... of the lack of a wet clutch for heavier applications." Hence if used without approval, there would be warranty issues I expect.
   / Are all buckets created equal? #12  
"although the LA1162 will mount on a M6800 SD, it is not approved because.... of the lack of a wet clutch for heavier applications." Hence if used without approval, there would be warranty issues I expect.

How much warranty you got left? As with everything else, this is where the dealer makes or breaks the deal.. Some dealers sell their machines with aftermarket FEL's right off the lot and obviously have no warranty issues. If I were in your shoes, I'd get the LA1162 and have the dealer understand that installing that loader should not affect things like electrical systesm, engine, etc... so if in the unlikely event something happens with those parts, you've still got warranty. Obviously, if you smoke the clutch, I'd say you'll have to eat those repair costs...
   / Are all buckets created equal?
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Dave, you are right, and duh, I don't have a warranty left anyway so I was mistaken in that thought! But the LA 1002 was what I just ordered, and it is about $1000 less than the other. Of course, when you factor in the Tach-All there is not much difference. Seems the only disadvantage of the 1002 is a few hundred lbs. of lift capacity. Since my dealer is small with limited experience in thinking "outside the box", I felt it was safer to go with what Kubota advises, and not risk issues later. I tried to order just the bucket off a LA1162, but the dealer's information states that included with it is the quick attach kit, and no one could tell me what that was exactly. Maybe it's Kubota's version of a Tach-All, for that's what it sounds like. Again, I thought it was safer to use the Tach-All since everyone speaks highly of it and just order a Markham bucket along with the Markham grapple. Markham (Melissa) is just a delight to work with, and I expect that I will be pleased with their products. I ordered everything today. Thanks for taking the time to reply!

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