Are your pants getting smaller or your waist getting bigger........

   / Are your pants getting smaller or your waist getting bigger........ #1  


Super Member
May 12, 2013
Is this another snake oil salesman, if so he's good cause I bought two bottles. I cant switch diet now at over 60, especially when the new food diet is crap and I knew there was a reason I didn't like whole grain bread that the wife keeps buying but please dont take my coffee or tomato sauce.

This is hr long video, first 15-20 min is tooting his own horn, then he goes into details of bad lectin and the miracle of butyrate, he coned me I bought two bottles, at the end he keeps lowing the price about 3 times, watch at your own risk if your pants no longer fit right or your getting old and willing to gable on anything that might make you feel better.........
Gundry MD
   / Are your pants getting smaller or your waist getting bigger........ #2  
Only if you wear SKINNY JEANS!
   / Are your pants getting smaller or your waist getting bigger........ #3  
A scene from "Third Rock from the Sun":

Dick: Good news everyone! My pants are no longer too tight!
Sally: That's great, Dick! You finally lost the weight you've been working on?
Dick: No... I bought bigger pants!

That's the only shortcut I know, but let us know if this product works.
   / Are your pants getting smaller or your waist getting bigger........ #4  
I was ill for about two months this spring. I lost 35 pounds. Everything I own now hangs on suspenders.
   / Are your pants getting smaller or your waist getting bigger........ #5  
Elbow proficiency lustiness. See lot of it in population.

Known cure is to stop ramming food down neck.

Claiming you doing it because wife got fat is pure bullcrap.
   / Are your pants getting smaller or your waist getting bigger........ #6  
Stretchy waisted pants were my answer. For years I was buying LL Bean 36 inch comfort waist khakis. Then I needed a new funeral & wedding suit. 38 felt good but 39 even better. :)
   / Are your pants getting smaller or your waist getting bigger........ #7  
The issue is the new fangled washers and dryers. Since we bought ours a couple of years ago all my clothes started shrinking. I believe it's a conspiracy between the appliance makes and clothing companies.
   / Are your pants getting smaller or your waist getting bigger........ #8  
Clothing manufacturers have caved to the pressure of "Big Boned" women. They have altered the size labels so the fatties feel better about themselves. Even I feel better wearing XL than MooMoo.
   / Are your pants getting smaller or your waist getting bigger........ #9  
The issue is the new fangled washers and dryers. Since we bought ours a couple of years ago all my clothes started shrinking. I believe it's a conspiracy between the appliance makes and clothing companies.
I thought my pants were getting tighter. My shirts too. I am glad to find out it is just my new washing machine.:rolleyes:
   / Are your pants getting smaller or your waist getting bigger........ #10  
What does Relaxed Fit really mean