B1550HST Suction screen

   / B1550HST Suction screen #1  


Veteran Member
Dec 5, 2009
B3200, L5740,
Can anyone tell me what the HST suction screen for the b1550 should look like. I took mine out and it is very dark in color not like the hydraulic suction screen which is a nice silver color. I t is also almost impossible to shine light through it. With a very bright light you can see light but very little. The hydraulic screen is very easy to see light through. I guess what I am asking should they look the same or is the HST filter different??:confused::confused:
   / B1550HST Suction screen #2  
The screens on my B1550 are both slightly different in both colour and length. Both screens appear to the same as far as the screen size. You should be fine if you clean it really well with a good solvent. You may need to blow air through it from inside an out if it is really gummed up. You mentioned you could barely see light through it so it probalbly hasn't been cleaned in awhile. No sign of metal filings a such I hope?
If that that screen gets too restrictive that transmission will seem to lack any power and howl like a banshee.
   / B1550HST Suction screen #3  
The parts manual is a little confusing on this. It appears the two filters may be slightly different and there may have been a part upgrade. Furthermore there are actually two filters listed for the non-HST screen. Perhaps the mesh has been made coarser or finer.

As I understand it metal mesh screens have been discontinued in some later tractors because electrostatic charges generated by fast flowing oil 'cracks' the oil and creates a hard coating on the mesh that ultimately clogs it. I'm guessing the HST screen has much more oil flowing through it so its more prone to such clogging. I know my own HST filter took a bit of effort to get it really clean. (They are not expensive to replace by the way.)

You can get a free parts manual here... Kubotabooks.com
   / B1550HST Suction screen
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Thanks for the reply's. There was very little of anything on the screen but it does look like it has rusted. Unfortunately there had been water get into the system. It must have gotten in from sitting outside before I got it. I will replace the screen anyway and flush the system.:thumbsup:

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