B2400HST Value?

   / B2400HST Value? #1  

Behrend II

Bronze Member
Apr 4, 2007
Menomonie, WI
LS XG3140H

Just bought a new tractor and am trying to figure out how much my 2000 B2400 is worth.

About 800 hard hours
GB loader
54" belly mower
60" front mount Kubota snowblower
1 set of R4 tires (50%) on rims
1 set of turf tires (75%) on rims

Tractor had been used pretty hard - I think it had a warped head. Quite a bit of blowby and reduced engine power. Leaks some hydro fluid.

I have a person that it's interested in it but I really have no idea on a fair price...any ideas?

   / B2400HST Value? #2  
Figure what it would be worth in really good condition and take off $2K+
   / B2400HST Value? #3  
Someone who's a friend? I'd be careful about selling a tractor I knew was rough to a friend...unless I was giving them a really good price and was very upfront that it might explode on them. It's embarrassing when you sell someone something that breaks, even if they knew that going into it.