Higher off the ground and weight. Weight is the good and bad. I went from a B7800 1700lbs 31HP to a L3240HST 3700LBs 32 HP. For me to have been happy with my trade I should have gone up at least 5 more HP with that additional weight. The higher seating also scared me on my hillside property. Also trailering the L was worse for me than moving the B's. I traded back to a B3200 within less than a year and 32 hours. The L3240HST was a fantastic tractor but I preferred the B to the L for my purposes. I've now gotten rid of the B so I have no dogs in this fight that's about to start so I'm just giving my opinion based on my needs and experience. If I was doing alot of FEL heavy moving or plowing flat fields or mowing flat fields all day I would probably pick the L but I wasn't.
Bigger isn't better, it's just bigger and different.