Baby Pig. Now What?

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   / Baby Pig. Now What? #41  
I think I'm going to have to vote for Spot. The name definately seems to fit.:thumbsup:
   / Baby Pig. Now What? #42  
Eddie, put a small dog collar on him and bring him to the tractor show next Saturday. Everybody's going to love Porkchop!
   / Baby Pig. Now What? #43  
Darn shame about your fish net. Umm.... maybe take it outside tonight, make it squeal...see if mamma will come recover it from you:D

If not, I have no idea what to do with the little spotted booger.:confused:
   / Baby Pig. Now What?
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My Mom named him today. She came up with Oscar. Short for Oscar Mayer Weiner!!!!

   / Baby Pig. Now What? #46  
Have you thought about turning him into a spy? He could be used to infiltrate the wild ones leading you to their nesting site. Put a GPS collar on him when he gets bigger. Then let him go "wild" and use the collar to track the herd.

Heck, you could start offering guided pig hunts, folks will be amazed at your canny ability to always find a pig.

He is a cute little fella but I don't think you will be saying that in a few months.
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   / Baby Pig. Now What? #47  
Hey Eddie. We had a pig with the exact same name!!! LOL :laughing:
   / Baby Pig. Now What?
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I'm more then a little nervous about what he will turn into. I'm not a big pet person and after reading an email from somebody with a lot of experience, I'm more concerned about the wisdom of keeping him. For now, I'm going to see what happens, but I'm not expecting things to work out well.

My plan is to get him castrated. I don't think it's something I should try myself. I've read the links and it sounds basic enough, but know from experience working on homes that it takes a few tries to get things just right. First time for me, means the odds are good that I'll mess it up.

My theory here is to get him used to people and knowing that food is here at the house, then when he's bigger, let him out of the pen to do his own thing. If he stays close to the house, he'll be fine. If he wonders onto my neighbors property, he'll probably get shot. They know about him, but I doubt they wil realize he's a pet and not a wild hog, or if they even care.

What happens, happens, and I'm good with just about any outcome excpet somebody getting hurt from him being here. I'll be watching for that most of all. I've put pets down before and will if he shows aggression towards anybody. The most dangerous animal of all is one that is not afraid of humans.

   / Baby Pig. Now What? #49  
A friend of mine had a pet pig named Olivia years ago. She pretty much stayed in her pen, was quite docile and sweet and loved attention. She would call out to have her back scratched with a stick when you walked by her pen. She wasn't much smaller than a VW in length. Don't know about the males but she was fine, no trouble at all. I think it's good thing rescuing and not killing him though, it's good karma or whatever you want to call it for you no matter how it works out. Good luck.
   / Baby Pig. Now What? #50  
One thing you might worry about is his tusks. They may not fully develop if he's fixed but you may have to have them removed.
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