Bad Knees

   / Bad Knees #211  
On Wednesday of this week, Kathy and I had lunch with Bird and Margaret at a newly re-opened Chinese buffet in Denton, TX. I can tell you that we didn't notice Bird having any problem getting around, and I don't recall the subject of his knee replacement even coming up during the meal. I just didn't think about asking him how he is doing because he looked and acted so normal. If it's any measure of how well he is doing, neither he nor I had any problem negotiating the buffet's steam tables to fill our plates with goodies.:D:thumbsup:
   / Bad Knees
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Jim, I didn't tell you but about 3 days ago, I told Margaret that the night before I was out walking and saw the smallest Chihuahua dog I'd ever seen. So I stopped to pet it and got down on my knees to play with it. Then I rocked back on my heels and suddenly noticed I had both knees bent all the way and it didn't even hurt. So I got up thinking of how great it was that it was suddenly completely healed.

And then I woke up and realized I'd been dreaming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:rolleyes:

So, yep, it'll still hurt if I bend it too far, but overall, I reckon I'm in pretty good shape now.
   / Bad Knees #213  

It has been your experiences from your knee replacement that helped me finalize my decision to have my left knee replaced.

Since I have an age advantage over you I am figuring that my recovery will be as good or better :laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing:

The magic day is Dec 27th.

Jim - thanks for your good wishes. I should have responded earlier but I started the replacement of our AC system with a new Lennox heat pump.

As usual things popped up that were not counted on but we are about done. It has a touchscreen programmable thermostat that can do wonders. I am still studying the manual.


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   / Bad Knees
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Yeah, Vernon, there'll be some pain and discomfort for awhile, but after 3 months, I'm just going on about whatever I want to do; mowing the yard, walking the dog, even getting up on the ladder to check rain gutters, and such things. So I hope yours goes as well as mine has.
   / Bad Knees #215  
I hear the hip replacements are quicker to heal than the knee replacements. I've had two surgeries on my right knee and if it gets worse, I'll have to have it done. I went to see the hip surgeon yesterday and started down that process toward a replacement. He put three injections in the right hip and I'll know in a couple of weeks if he thinks a scope to clean it up will help, he doesn't think that is likely. If that's the case, then it'll be a hip joint replacement. Getting old really sucks because it is looking like the knee will have to be replaced eventually too, oh well seven joint surgeries in the last five years, what's a couple more.:(:(
   / Bad Knees
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He put three injections in the right hip and I'll know in a couple of weeks if he thinks a scope to clean it up will help, he doesn't think that is likely. If that's the case, then it'll be a hip joint replacement.

I'll wish you luck; maybe you won't have to have the replacement.
   / Bad Knees #217  
I hear the hip replacements are quicker to heal than the knee replacements. I've had two surgeries on my right knee and if it gets worse, I'll have to have it done. I went to see the hip surgeon yesterday and started down that process toward a replacement. He put three injections in the right hip and I'll know in a couple of weeks if he thinks a scope to clean it up will help, he doesn't think that is likely. If that's the case, then it'll be a hip joint replacement. Getting old really sucks because it is looking like the knee will have to be replaced eventually too, oh well seven joint surgeries in the last five years, what's a couple more.:(:(

Milkman - I fell and broke the head of the femur. The surgeon said that since there was no arthritis in the joint he could simply put a new "ball" on the head of the femur. It was a 67mm one - that is big. It healed quickly and I was up and around very quickly. I had very few restrictions on how I moved the joint. From what my surgeon said a full hip replacement would have required more restrictions.

   / Bad Knees #218  
One of my Mennonite neighbors fell off a roof and broke the ball off his femur, they were able to reattach it and he's doing just fine, of course he's about 30 yrs younger than I am. Sounds like you really got lucky with yours too. The Dr. didn't go into any restrictions with the replacement, just said that it is an instant relief from the pain, of course there's healing from the surgery and therapy, at least light at the end of the tunnel.