Platinum Member
I am new to welding and I have a basic question. I had the local metal shop cut and bend some adjustable skids for my 3pt snowblower from 3/8" material. They did the fabrication but not the welding. I have a 220v wire feed that I have been teaching myself to weld with. If I bolt on the brackets then clamp the bottom runners to the brackets is it safe to tack them together while the snow blower is mounted on the tractor? Then I will have a friend weld the pieces together after I have tacked the brackets in the right position on the skids. Will I do any harm to the electrical system of the tractor doing this? Do I have to disconnect the battery? All of my practice welding has been done on scrap on a welding table. My wire feed is only rated for 1/4" per the manufacturer.
P.S. It cost $20.00 to have them fabricated vs. $125.00 from the dealer.
P.S. It cost $20.00 to have them fabricated vs. $125.00 from the dealer.