Battery based vehicles of today and tomorrow pt 2

   / Battery based vehicles of today and tomorrow pt 2 #9,852  
   / Battery based vehicles of today and tomorrow pt 2 #9,853  
Level 1 is 1.4kW.

Tesla Destination Chargers are 9.6kW to 19.2kW. A perfect solution for overnight charging.

Tesla Superchargers are 120kW and 250kW. A rare few were 70kW.
Most people on the road need to charge quickly. Level 1 charging is useless to most EV owners unless charging at home.
   / Battery based vehicles of today and tomorrow pt 2 #9,854  
Most trash that goes to the landfill has been depleted of it's contents or useful stuff.

This still has useful stuff, but it's not not worth anyone's time in todays economic climate.

Slight difference...
But we know there is good stuff in the busted PV panels so it is only a matter of time before a Greedy Capitalist Pig gets motivated to make a profit.

And once again, lots of stuff goes to landfills. Such as construction debris. And old asphalt roof shingles.

In 1000 years we will be mining today's landfills.
   / Battery based vehicles of today and tomorrow pt 2 #9,855  
But we know there is good stuff in the busted PV panels so it is only a matter of time before a Greedy Capitalist Pig gets motivated to make a profit.

And once again, lots of stuff goes to landfills. Such as construction debris. And old asphalt roof shingles.

In 1000 years we will be mining today's landfills.

I don't make 1000 year predictions. I am just commenting on what is happening now. The waste now is huge...and for what?

We just need to adapt nuclear and be done with it. This semi push into renewable while ignoring the best power generation possible is silly. No wonder the green revolution can't get it act together.
   / Battery based vehicles of today and tomorrow pt 2 #9,856  
I don't make 1000 year predictions. I am just commenting on what is happening now. The waste now is huge...and for what?
You are more worried about the volume in the landfill vs the utility received from the material before disposal.

We just need to adapt nuclear and be done with it. This semi push into renewable while ignoring the best power generation possible is silly. No wonder the green revolution can't get it act together.
Agree nuclear power is necessary and a better solution than most. Unlike the the Green Eco-Nazis I do not believe there is any single one solution, and no solution should be forced or favored by government.

I do believe 10-20 years ago Westinghouse started building modern modular nuclear power plants for China. Modules built in factories then transported to site where every site is built to the exact same plan as every other. If there is a defect in design appearing at one then can it be remedied at all others before it becomes an issue.

Nuclear can not be a solution if every plant, every reactor, is a unique custom design, the way things are done today. Can not take more than 5 years from concept to full power output.
   / Battery based vehicles of today and tomorrow pt 2 #9,858  
Nuclear has its benefits but mining, processing fuel and disposing of spent fuel must also be considered. Both those operations can be quite toxic.
   / Battery based vehicles of today and tomorrow pt 2 #9,859  
Nuclear has its benefits but mining, processing fuel and disposing of spent fuel must also be considered. Both those operations can be quite toxic.
   / Battery based vehicles of today and tomorrow pt 2 #9,860  

The first part is about increasing numbers of used EVs and at lower prices.. used Tesla prices are down by 30% in some markets.

Deflation is finally showing up in new and used car prices. New Ford Mach E dealership inventory is climbing I read.

It seems with many EV brands announcing they are moving to the Tesla North America Charging plug standard in 2025 is driving an increase in Tesla web traffic today.

Since the 2023 Tesla Model Y has become the best selling ICE or EV car in the world indicates people in the market for new cars accept that ICE sales declining numbers is a permanent fact. I think this will be obvious to all new car buyer by 2050.
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