Best subcompact for the money

   / Best subcompact for the money #81  
But you can nary find a Yanmar dealer in this country.
   / Best subcompact for the money #82  
But you can nary find a Yanmar dealer in this country.
I own a Yanmar that was 20 years old when I bought it in 2003. No issues, it simply runs as it should.

It's never needed attention from a dealer. It's clearly designed to be owner-maintained and the maintenance is simple. I hope recent Yanmars continue to reflect this value.
   / Best subcompact for the money #83  
New Yanmars are very tech heavy… I’m not certain an owner can do much aside from regular maintenance. All I ever hear is to shop the dealer, and have good dealer support. Ideally I’ll never really need my dealer, but he is there. I was set to get a Yanmar until I realized they didn’t have a dealer in my state… their dealer locator shows a few in Indiana, but none actually have tractors… that sorta soured me on the idea. Great tractors, but I couldn’t actually find one.
   / Best subcompact for the money #84  
New Yanmars are very tech heavy… I’m not certain an owner can do much aside from regular maintenance. All I ever hear is to shop the dealer, and have good dealer support. Ideally I’ll never really need my dealer, but he is there. I was set to get a Yanmar until I realized they didn’t have a dealer in my state… their dealer locator shows a few in Indiana, but none actually have tractors… that sorta soured me on the idea. Great tractors, but I couldn’t actually find one.
I think it's a worldwide thing. For instance, here in Portugal, in the entire 2023, they sold so little tractors that they didn't even have their own line on the list of tractors sold across all brands.

They put them under the category "Others" which include other brands that sold very few tractors. The number of tractors sold in that category is 39.

I think they're focused more on construction equipment. They do very well in that area.
   / Best subcompact for the money #85  
   / Best subcompact for the money #86  
Probably not helpful because I don't even know if they sell them there, but I've got a Ferris Pro Cut S myself..
One of those 3 wheeled front deck mowers. One thing I like is that you sit behind the deck, so it isn't a tall unit. Great for under/around trees. I don't have many inclines, but I have some steep 'ditches' that I have graded so I can mow them with it. And I may occasionally feel like I am going to slide off the seat, but I have never felt it was going to tip over.

Idk if that helps...probably not


   / Best subcompact for the money #87  
Nice mower! Just curious did you get that optional mulching kit for your deck? If so how well does it work especially in high grass?
I added the mulch kit later. It depends on how long the grass is. My biggest complaint about the mulch kit is that it tends to blow out the sides which leeads to needing to clean off the driveway.
   / Best subcompact for the money #89  
It’ll serve you well!


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