Black Widow Spiders

   / Black Widow Spiders #11  
Introduce some wolf spiders to the area...they will eat the widow spiders...

in basements etc. wolf spiders will eat the other spiders and insects and they do no build webs...
   / Black Widow Spiders #12  
I've heard the putting osage oranges around the perimiter of your basement sill will help repel spiders from coming in. Don't know if it's true or not. I figure is someone is going to be cleaning their basement and putting up hedge apples, that their basement is probably clean anyway and there's no cluttered places for spiders to hide anyway.
   / Black Widow Spiders #13  
Captain Phab spider control, their factory is in Peterborough, Ontario
They claim to be able to kill ALL spiders. I have only used it on dock spiders and it kills them within 2 minutes. A website for you.
About us – Captain Phab
   / Black Widow Spiders #14  
While moving firewood into my basement yesterday, I came across some healthy Black Widows living in my wood pile. Any known way to get rid of these unwanted spiders?


Happy Thanksgiving to All!

Cheap - Diatomaceous earth
Cheaper - 20 Mule Team Borax
Cheapest - White Vinegar and water

Most insects will find a less hostile environment with minimal persuasion. Oddly enough, the only time I was almost bitten by a black widow was one that was in my mail-box!

Good Luck
   / Black Widow Spiders #15  
I THINK I saw a black widow around my outbuildings - loooong ago. I sure don't ever worry about them. More concerned about picking something up and having a hornet or wasp of some kind waiting there to sting me.
   / Black Widow Spiders #17  
I've heard the putting osage oranges around the perimiter of your basement sill will help repel spiders from coming in. Don't know if it's true or not. I figure is someone is going to be cleaning their basement and putting up hedge apples, that their basement is probably clean anyway and there's no cluttered places for spiders to hide anyway.

My basement is a mess. I use Osage oranges, never see spiders down there but I never look for them. Now I'm gonna have to go look.
   / Black Widow Spiders #18  
My mother told me about encountering a black widow spider at her aunts ranch near Emmet Idaho when she was about twelve. It had built its web across the seat in the outhouse. My mother applied some extreme measures to get rid of it which included a certain amount of kerosene. Well kerosene and and a rather large quantity of crumpled up Montgomery Wards and Sears catalog pages mixed with you know what made for a rather persistent smoldering fire that required a large number of trips to the well for buckets of water. Her aunt later told her that SOP for black widow spider in the outhouse was a rolled up page of said catalog that was used to swirl around the seat gather web and spider then dropping the whole lot down the hole, if you sat long enough for the spider to climb back up and bite you, you were spending too much time in the outhouse.:laughing:
   / Black Widow Spiders #19  
I never encountered a spider of any kind in the outhouse, but I guess I thought about it every time I went in there and sat down, wondering whether there might be one on the bottom side of the seat. And getting indoor plumbing and quitting the use of the outhouse was one of the happiest days of our lives.