Bogus Java update request takes over the display screen

   / Bogus Java update request takes over the display screen #1  


Super Star Member
Apr 17, 2009
nowhere, md
Twice tonight while on TBN, I have had the above happen. The mouse is disabled. the only way out seems to be to use the Task Manager to end all chrome processes.

The first thing that happens is a dialog box saying: Site: [some IP address] needs a Java update. That box cannot be cancelled. If I try, a "Java" update screen appears behind the dialogue box.
   / Bogus Java update request takes over the display screen #2  
Thanks for the heads-up. I've not seen this, yet, but forewarned is to be forearmed.
   / Bogus Java update request takes over the display screen #3  
I had that problem yesterday on another site on two different computers and two different versions of Windows. My Windows virus software stopped the automatic download of the software and quarantined the file so i could delete it. I was using Goggle Chrome on both machines. I would warn everyone who has this experience "DO NOT OPEN THE FILE Setup.exe THAT DOWNLOADS FROM THIS SCREEN". I went back to the website this showed up on, and it was no longer there, but the warning still applies. If you did not specifically ask for the file, and it downloaded automatically, scan it first with anti-virus software and if it is not wanted delete it. Even if it supposedly and update to software you already have, if you did not ask to download it delete it.
   / Bogus Java update request takes over the display screen #4  
Java has been a big problem's not just's the unwanted spam stuff bundled with Java.

If you do update Java, NEVER do the automatic install!! Always do a custom install and do not allow the Spam crap to be installed!

BTW, the advice about custom install applies to almost ALL software updates!
   / Bogus Java update request takes over the display screen #5  
Do not confuse Java with javascript...they are entirely two different animals...the former is a client/server application...the latter is strictly a browser based function...

When installing the Java client do not download/install it from any 3rd party sites...strictly use the have to look very carefully at the URI's returned by search queries to be sure you are on the legitimate site...

Java SE Downloads - Sun Developer Network (SDN)

be's a jungle out there...
   / Bogus Java update request takes over the display screen
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Specifically, it wanted to update a Java Plug-in.

I also somehow ended up with the setup.exe in my chrome downloads without asking for it, and it did have a virus detected in it.

This happened about a half-dozen times last night, but only on TBN. Then it just quit and I haven't seen it today.

It is a jungle out there and I don't stay well informed about the viruses and such. I downloaded ran a Malwarebytes scan which detected eight things to quarantine on my system. I looked at my plug-ins using chrome's about:plugins. I have Java disabled now, and no Java plugins running. I don't think I need them for what I do.
   / Bogus Java update request takes over the display screen
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The bogus java update is back this afternoon.

The hack is being worked on; now the "x" works in the dialog boxes and it is possible to return to the TBN page with the back arrow. I've gotten the virus infected setup.exe one time out of three occurrences this afternoon--of course without requesting it. Microsoft Security Essentials is catching it.
   / Bogus Java update request takes over the display screen
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So, after the several bogus java virus occurrences yesterday evening, I installed adblock from the chrome store and knock on wood, it hasn't been back since. The timing of when it would appear makes me suspicious that it arrives via an ad.
   / Bogus Java update request takes over the display screen #9  
So, after the several bogus java virus occurrences yesterday evening, I installed adblock from the chrome store and knock on wood, it hasn't been back since. The timing of when it would appear makes me suspicious that it arrives via an ad.

Its possible its an ad as TBN likely does not chose the ads they run but outsource that to an ad management company. Also the source of the ads is not from TBN but redirected from somewhere else. That somewhere else may have been trojaned even. There have been quite a few websites that have served inappropriate ads this year. Adblock is good, up-to-date- virus protection essential for Windows and posting such attempted attacks here is excellent as it warns others.

Linux user :)
   / Bogus Java update request takes over the display screen
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Its possible its an ad as TBN likely does not chose the ads they run but outsource that to an ad management company. Also the source of the ads is not from TBN but redirected from somewhere else. That somewhere else may have been trojaned even. There have been quite a few websites that have served inappropriate ads this year. Adblock is good, up-to-date- virus protection essential for Windows and posting such attempted attacks here is excellent as it warns others.

Linux user :)

The bogus java virus has remained missing since installing adblock.

Are Linux-based kernels still mostly non-targeted by viruses? Years ago I ran Red Hat for a while on my PC, but drifted away. There weren't nearly as many apps back then. Spent 16 years doing Oracle on Unix, Solaris mostly, which was a great combination. Anyhoo, these days I just want to be a lazy user. :laughing:

It is interesting that ad revenue must be getting dinged if more and more people block ads. Now that there is more money at stake, maybe things will improve on the security front?

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