Bomb Cyclone!!!

   / Bomb Cyclone!!! #1  


Super Moderator
Aug 31, 2001
South Bend, Indiana (near)
Power Trac PT425 2001 Model Year
Yeah, ok. :rolleyes:

Anyhow, supposed to be a pretty strong winter storm next few days. Anyone have any pictures or stories to share yet?

We got nothing in northern Indiana as of 11:00am Thursday, 12/22/2022
   / Bomb Cyclone!!!
  • Thread Starter
So far just looks like winter. We'll see how it progresses.

   / Bomb Cyclone!!! #3  

Flurries and mid 30s west suburbs of Chicago
   / Bomb Cyclone!!! #4  
They were call for flurries Presidents 1978. we got 42 Inches before it was done. A north-easter of 3 days of snow. we were out of school for 3 weeks. only farmers could get out . the rest of our area was locked down. in the southern county of MD( saint Mary's)I lived in at the time they had 2 dump trucks with plows. I remember seeing bulldozers on the roads pushing snow. Never seen it that bad before or after in the mid Atlantic.
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   / Bomb Cyclone!!! #5  
this was the main highway after a bulldozer opened up 1 lane. drifts in some areas were 6 to 8 ft. old picture of it. the caption is wrong as far as being 35 years ago. but the picture is rt 235 in Hollywood MD.


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   / Bomb Cyclone!!! #6  
Supposed to be mostly rain here, temps in the 50s, then a flash freeze with low teens by Sat. AM. 🤬 We almost totally missed out on last week's storm, only got a couple inches.
   / Bomb Cyclone!!! #7  
I don't have anything here. 23F slight breeze.

I'll try to find the video, but a few years ago, my nephew took a video at his parent's place. Starts out with calm cloudy, slight breeze centered on a huge cedar in their front pasture, then within seconds all heck breaks out. The cedar is thrashing back and forth, large trees behind it are falling it. Huge wall of rain moves in. All within maybe 5 minutes. Left a piles of up ended trees in their pastures, their driveway was blocked by a couple. Fortunately nothing hit the house or killed any of their animals.

The trees around their place are 100+ foot trees and the wind made them look like little sapling being blown around.

At first i thought the video was fake and asked my nephew how he did that. As you can imagine, he looked at me with a WFT are you talking about uncle, it's a real video. Sure enough, i read later that day of a 'bomb cyclone' being mentioned. I'd never heard of one before that.
   / Bomb Cyclone!!! #9  
They are saying get off the roads by 5 as it is going to flash freeze and we will have black ice.
   / Bomb Cyclone!!! #10  
Here in central OH, dont look to be too much precipitation, but the cold.

11pm tonight still gonna be 38°F. 8 hrs later by 7am tomorrow -2°F

So I certainly understand the flash freeze concern. Earlier in the week they were calling for 5-8" of snow....and for this area its a pretty significant event.

But now....dont look like much snow at all. Just extreme cold for a few days. And worse, 25MPH winds making windchill ~-30°f