BX cruise control. Do you use it?

   / BX cruise control. Do you use it? #11  
I don't use it for finish mowing but I do use it for brush hogging. At my age holding my foot on a hydro pedal in the same position for six or seven hours will cause my right leg to cramp. It would be the same as holding an accelerator at the same position for six or seven hours on a car or truck. Staying the same position for many hours is uncomfortable. The cruise control allows my legs to be free and I can move around in the seat before rigormortis sets in.
   / BX cruise control. Do you use it? #12  
Hi all,

I use any time that I drive Jinny over to my friends places. They live about 1/2 a mile away so it is a foot saver.

   / BX cruise control. Do you use it? #13  
Count me as a no - in fact I forget it even has cruise control so thanks for reminding me. LOL
   / BX cruise control. Do you use it? #14  
I used it once right after I got it and the cheezy little pot metal "dogs" broke, so I figured it wasn't worth trying to keep it fixed. have always aimed to make some out of steel, but was never a very high priority.
   / BX cruise control. Do you use it? #15  
I have had my BX2230 for about 3 weeks now, but still haven't gotten an owners manual. Does mine *HAVE* a cruise control? I haven't figured it out if it does.
   / BX cruise control. Do you use it? #16  
Hi this is exact whats holding me to buy a BX. I use a Iseki with manual gear to spray my crops (strawberries). I can set the speed exactly right (have installed a bicycle speedometer on it). e.g. 1800rpm in gear 2 get me to the correct speed....the correct amount of fluid (nothing left at the end of the field)
Can the cruise control be used in the same way?