BX Mower Hight adjustment dial.

   / BX Mower Hight adjustment dial. #1  


Veteran Member
Nov 30, 2002
East Concord, NY
John Deere 4320, Kubota BX2680
Hi all,

I was trying to put the adjustment dial to TOP, but I can't get it to that point. I realize the mower has to be all the way up, but it still won't go to the TOP position. I can turn it either way all the way up to 4 but no further. I tried to put some penetrating oil down there but no luck. Tried different positions, still no luck. Anyone else have this problem?

   / BX Mower Hight adjustment dial. #2  
It is a common problem (at least on the BX series.) I am more familiar with the smaller BX series but I think the mechanism is the same. I'll mention what I have found over the years:
  1. Do not ever try to turn that knob unless the hydraulics have picked up the deck as far as it will go. I have (and broke off the knob which is hideously overpriced.)
  2. The mechanism Kubota uses is a little hard to describe (and I lack a good picture, though I have seen other threads that showed manual drawings, etc.) but it is like a cam with the Knob moving a cam rider up and down on the cam-like rod.
  3. I think that it is fairly common for the cam follower/rider to slip and get at least one slot or sometimes more out of where it belongs. When that happens the markings on the Knob are off by that much. This you probably have the deck adjustment up as high as it will ever go even though the knob is reading something less. Worst case is where the mechanism totally jambs and you cannot turn the knob at all.
  4. The mechanism ("cam bolt" and follower) is very hard to get to -- but if you ever have it up on a lift where you can wiggle around under the tractor you can probably reset it to where it belongs, that is what a general tractor repair shop did for mine.
   / BX Mower Hight adjustment dial. #3  
Not trying to be a wise guy but read the manual where it describes the adjustment inboard of the left rear tire. I don’t have a mmm but have seen this problem many times on this site.
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   / BX Mower Hight adjustment dial. #4  
Hopefully, all you need to do is make the adjustment that is shown in your manual. I had made that adjustment before. But last year I had to readjust it several times. A close inspection of the lift arm revealed it was cracked. The crack was getting bigger, meaning more adjustments. I replaced the arm and all it good.

Doug in SW IA
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