Canes, anyone use one?

   / Canes, anyone use one? #1  


Elite Member
Feb 16, 2011
Hudson, Maine
2003 NH TC30
For the last year and a half I've been using a cane. I have arthritis in my hip and it helps me to get around, especially when I am stiff.
I make my own canes -rough. I've made 6, from ash, apple, and maple. I've put hame tops on 4 of them. They work pretty well and my design improves as I go along. I'll post a pic of the latest when I can dig up our camera!
Do you use a cane?
   / Canes, anyone use one? #2  
My wife has a regular old fashioned cane with the curved top, but painted with flowers. She always carries it when going for a walk in the neighborhood, but no other time. She's carrying it as protection if she should meet an aggressive stray dog. She's never had a problem with any dogs in the neighborhood, but some have. So she's afraid to take our little chihuahua on her walks.

Most mornings, I take the little chihuahua for a walk along trails in the woods in a big city park that's just over a mile from the house. And I carry a Bubba Stik that I really like. It's considerably heavier than my wife's cane, and while I don't really need it, it adds a little stability, and I figure it'd be a mean dog indeed that would challenge me when I have it in my hand. But I do also carry my Bubba Stik most of the time if I go to a shopping mall with my wife.

I suppose the harness hames that the Bubba Stik uses are the same that you use.
   / Canes, anyone use one? #3  
Not anymore, But sure to go back in a few years when it gets difficult again, after breaking my ankle about 6 years ago I went from crutches to using a cane for about 2 years and finally was able to hold my own without the use of one, though sometimes after being on it all day, Cold and wet days seem to have it acting back up, I do try and resist going for the cane, the cane I was given was a black adjustable aluminum alloyed kind, nothing fancy, before the accident I used to have a couple of twisted branches carved for hiking sticks, cut them from our property, thought they were pretty unique, not sure where they got off too... I think cane carving could be a interesting hobby,:thumbsup: My son used to have a friend who played the drums in his band, I used to cut out his drum sticks from my scraps of oak wood, does that count? :D He said the oak last 3 times as long as the ones bought from music store, was a bit heavier but got used to them,
   / Canes, anyone use one?
  • Thread Starter
My wife has a regular old fashioned cane with the curved top, but painted with flowers. She always carries it when going for a walk in the neighborhood, but no other time. She's carrying it as protection if she should meet an aggressive stray dog. She's never had a problem with any dogs in the neighborhood, but some have. So she's afraid to take our little chihuahua on her walks.

Most mornings, I take the little chihuahua for a walk along trails in the woods in a big city park that's just over a mile from the house. And I carry a Bubba Stik that I really like. It's considerably heavier than my wife's cane, and while I don't really need it, it adds a little stability, and I figure it'd be a mean dog indeed that would challenge me when I have it in my hand. But I do also carry my Bubba Stik most of the time if I go to a shopping mall with my wife.

I suppose the harness hames that the Bubba Stik uses are the same that you use.

That top looks like the one I am using now!
   / Canes, anyone use one? #5  
My wife - she of bi-lateral hip and knee replacements & back issues - has and loves a cane whose top is the precise shape and thickness of an old saw handle. It's comfortable, easy to hold and attracts a lot of attention. Her first saw handle cane was stolen out of a grocery basket when her back was turned. Obtained two more, but the woodworker nearby who had made them has died. They're cut out of a single piece of oak or walnut. If we could find someone who makes them just like these, my wife could sell a heap of them. The ones on the Internet are of thinner stock and don't have the comfortable feel of a real saw handle.
   / Canes, anyone use one? #6  
I use one to get on and off the bed of my truck. I just keep it in the back of the truck for when I might need it - helps me reach items in the back too. I also use hiking poles when backpacking, otherwise I would have had to quit one of my favorite hobbies.

I was diagnosed with arthritis about 5 years ago. It seems to be getting progressively worse. I'm not using one regularly now at 51 years old but I do see one in my future.

I had some beaver on our property 3 years ago that made a few canes for me. Nice smooth finish with an interesting design. I sometimes use it when I'm walking about.

   / Canes, anyone use one? #7  
Have you ever thought about turning your cane into a gun? I mean, why not? As long as you're carrying something like that around it might as well shoot, even if it's just a single shot. One shot is better than no shot!
   / Canes, anyone use one? #8  
Have you ever thought about turning your cane into a gun? I mean, why not? As long as you're carrying something like that around it might as well shoot, even if it's just a single shot. One shot is better than no shot!
Ha! if he did that he might accidentally shoot his foot then he would need a wheel chair :p
   / Canes, anyone use one? #9  
Have you ever thought about turning your cane into a gun? I mean, why not? As long as you're carrying something like that around it might as well shoot, even if it's just a single shot. One shot is better than no shot!

I have a folding cane that I carry on my motorcycle, usually bungied to the sissy bar. It has a pistol grip, and when folded is just a few inches long. One day last spring a cop slowly passed me, then quickly fell in behind me and hit his lights. Went through the whole routine (keep your hands out in sight, don't move, etc). Yep, he thought it was some kind of shortarm being carried in plain sight (illegal at that time in Oklahoma). Only bad thing in the whole deal was he wasen't couteous enough to apologize for his mistake.

   / Canes, anyone use one? #10  
(illegal at that time in Oklahoma). Only bad thing in the whole deal was he wasen't couteous enough to apologize for his mistake.


Never have had a COP apologize for any of their wrongdoing when done to me... Not sure about any others but new a few cops are the worst of the worst when it comes to trust or believing or remorse for their mistakes...

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