Cat pics

   / Cat pics #1  


Super Member
Feb 15, 2005
Mid north west in the state of N.C
God knows how many dog pics I've posted here on this forum.

Reality is I loved this cat just as I did any dog that I had to take to the vet. First animal we got doing work for the humane socitey 15 years ago. She was an "outside cat" who had kittens when we got the call from the family who she "came across" and was looking for help (and it the meantime, we became good friends with the family who "inherited" her).

I can stil remember the dogs 14 years ago chasing her up the chimney on the first floor and me having to pull her out.

The amazing thing is a very long time ago I'd have no problem shooting a cat without even thinking. With her, actually paid a vet today to come out and do it on our property "in person" because I'm not certain if I could live with myself if I did it, added the fact, that ANY time we took her to our vet, she would have major bowel or bladder movments in the crate on the drive (driving in a car was not her thing).

This cat was one heck of a hunter... snakes, birds, chipmunks even rabits, you name it and it was by our bedroom door off the back deck waiting for us when we opened the door looking to call her name.

Last 9 years though, when it got colder at nights in the winter or when it rained hard, the reality is she lived upstairs with us and because she knew she could stay indoors, it was kind of a no brainer on her end.

My wife and I just came back from a short vacation, and with my inlaws house sitting, guess it just threw her off. She didn't eat, and it was bad (it was going down hill for the last 6 months, just progressed really fast being gone for only 4 days).

It was peaceful and although the last 5 years of her life she didn't spend a lot of time outside, she spent about 5 hours outside today in and or around the garden (where she was burried with the other pets who were cremated). I almost feel guilty because she couldn't walk really straight or fast, but I know she left the garden walking away from us trying to go into the woods because she wanted to die today outside. Hope she doesn't hold it agasint me/us when it's my time to go there.

As I told the vet, the only thing you can hope for when you die is perhaps you've left enough of your mark on other people that they will feel your loss. To me, dosen't matter if you're a two legged or 4 legged animal.


Taken 8 years ago, when she was "fat and happy" and hunted every night outside (when we were replacing the floors with Bambom, NEVER again lol).


The guy on the right is litterally about 8 years old. We found him when he was about 1/10th of that size as kitten, found while bringing back a dog from our vet.
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   / Cat pics #2  
I'm sorry for your loss.

The day we were going to put down our former outside cat we took her out and sat with her on the lawn for a while. She was too weak to do much other than sit but she did appreciate it. She'd always loved following me around the place and especially running around me on the lawn.
   / Cat pics #3  
I feel your loss Sig, I had to put our cat down a a few years ago, and it really really sucked. I felt bad about it for days. He was a good kitty that we had for a long time. Really friendly, and never caused any problems. We have another, and he is a great cat too, he is curled up now at my wife's feet, but he like me too. He is an indoor/outdoor kitty, so I know every day something could eat him or a dog could kill him. We have lots of hazards for kitty's here in the woods. But he is what he is and he enjoys going out so much. Almost as much as he loves coming back home for a kitty treat, and some affection from one or the other of us.

Some people think that cats are not affectionate and that that you can never feel about them like you do a dog, but it isn't true. You get just attached to a good cat as you do a good dog, and they are just as attached to you. Yes they have different temperaments, but they need your attention and affection and they give it too.
   / Cat pics #4  
found this little guy under a slab pile first week September
   / Cat pics
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Sorry guys, not meant as "I had to put a pet down thread", and although I feel like rewording the original post, I won't. Guess it was the first time I dug a hole before the animal had died.

Just made me think that we need a cat pic thead:laughing:

feasant, that's a youngin you got there.

Not as small, but same guy in the second pic in the first post on the right


A different guy...

   / Cat pics #6  
Cats are awesome. This is our new one. She is about 1 1/2 years old. Super social, into everything, loves to be around us, loves to play and investigate everything.

One is her sleeping in my office chair. Another is her watching paper come out of the printer (oh how she loves the printer), last is her outside hiding in the iris. She does a bit of everything.


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   / Cat pics #7  
Our guys when they were young...


top to bottom, Toby, Arnold & Lucille

Arnold is not longer with us, he had a liver issue when he was around 12..


Toby and Lucille are still doing well.




   / Cat pics #8  
Cats are awesome. This is our new one. She is about 1 1/2 years old. Super social, into everything, loves to be around us, loves to play and investigate everything.

One is her sleeping in my office chair. Another is her watching paper come out of the printer (oh how she loves the printer), last is her outside hiding in the iris. She does a bit of everything.

Yep, cats love printers almost as much as they love boxes.
   / Cat pics
  • Thread Starter
Cats are awesome. This is our new one. She is about 1 1/2 years old. Super social, into everything, loves to be around us, loves to play and investigate everything.

From my own personal experience, cats seem to either bond with people more less depending on how much "human time" they have for interaction when they're kittens.

I've had one cat when I was in high school that would litterally stay right by my side no matter where we went walking out back in the woods.

That said, thinking about it, the one in the pic I posted as a kitten came to us as a kitten, and once he hit about 1, he became pretty "aloof". That said, the last couple years (can't believe he's 8 now) he has become more "social" wanting human interaction.

The GREAT thing about cats is you can leave a full bowl of food and water and kitty litter and leave for 3-5 days without having to worry about them:laughing: (if they're indoor cats of course). None of our cats has ever run us a boarding fee if we go on vacation.
   / Cat pics #10  
Here is Gisele last winter when she was still an outdoors critter. We finally bit the bullet and took her to the vet and found out she was declawed on all four, was only around 1 year old and is a pure breed so obviously someone's lost pet.

From the pic you may see her fur was tangled up in knots so we had her sheared , vaccinated and fixed. She is mostly an indoors kitty now and we are contemplating not letting her out at all come spring.

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